Fat Sausage Fingers

Yeah. Thank you for your concern, internet stranger.

I’m feeling pretty calm, thanks.

Looks funny to me, so maybe lighten up?

CM3 is a man of the people.

Is this happening because my dad cancelled our SI subscription in ‘03?

Yeah you can tell he’s telling the truth about having no dating experience.

I checked my Daddy on his privilege

Or Salvador Perez.

He must be so glad he decided to go to Philly now. Booing a first-place team.

Do they throw in the e. coli for free too hardy har har.

Best bar in Pottersville.

Walton wasn’t fired! It was mutual. Mutual!

Anybody know what Dolan meant when he said the fans “cleared their profiles out”?

Or his natural hair since Carter.

Have Donald and Jared ever golfed together? Certainly. Did they change clothes in the locker room before/after? Of course.

Thanks for this. I’m going to CR in a couple of weeks. Anybody who didn’t chime in already have any advice for travelling on the Caribbean coast?

He actually hosts his own game show on TNT now.

Very brave to keep watermelon off the list. People’s obsession with mealy, watery watermelon mystifies me. Plums rule.

I can’t remember what I read, I just know I’m PISSED!

It’s not quite a bagel, it’s not quite an English muffin, but oh maan...