Fat Sausage Fingers

What the fuck is a wheat round? The Christian version of a bagel?

Settle this beef on the court.

I admit Tottenham are dark horses but they were nearly perfect last month and I thought could have at least been mentioned as PL contenders. That Wolverhampton loss was a bummer though.

Hardy har har.

So, no chance for Spurs then?

More concerned about his son being a Packers fan.

Drive drunk maybe?

What do you mean he “made out pretty well” due to the Marlins sale? Did he own a piece of the team? Because otherwise the sale just meant he got fired.

I miss that informercial. That part when Bowser mentions “romantic songs” and his co-star reluctantly puts her hand on his shoulder is gold.

What’s your promo code?

It’s an interesting question actually. If Washington were Kaep’s only way back into the NFL, would he refuse on principle?

They wrote a piece claiming that you, gooddude, believe The Office is problematic?

Bet they can get her to accept the award in person if they spring for airfare.

Dear lord.

Half-days Monday-Thursday and unlimited tee times.

I mostly agree with what you’re saying, but are you honestly upset that Windhorst didn’t report that he believed he knew what kind of soup Smith threw?

My rule is you have to at least leave the airport.

But then what would hold up those rockin’ shades?

The best part is that he got the exact same autoreply email again! Must have given him a rage stroke!

Please have steam coming out of his ears next week.