Fat Sausage Fingers

Lazy references + “ironic” biogtry + gratuitous violence = comedy gold!

Love when people with no sense of humor halfway reference something and think they’ve told a joke.


Good on them. Semi-related questions: what is the meaning of the word “latinx”? Is it supposed to be a gender-neutral reference to Latino/a people? How is it pronounced out loud?

Scary/political bumper stickers, or just an unnerving number of stickers?

I like “Nate-Pete” but does Peterman deserve a nickname?

Agreed. That was hilarious.

So, he looks Jewish?

This blog is so cheesy.

Teachers’ Lounge alone is worth $5/month to me.

Looks like they fired the manager as you were writing this.

Is it normal for the announcers to totally ignore an obvious knockout like that?

How chewy is your flan bro

Plus the team put out the statement instead of him. He’s really sincere, you guys.

Haha good luck with that lawsuit lady.

Seen this theory a couple times here today. The difference is, an able-bodied man can shit in any of the open stalls, while a disabled man may only be able to use the handicapped stall. So it’s not just the “same” inconvenience.


But how did the neighbor know the husband had been shitting in her apartment for months before she moved in? And why didn’t she call the cops the first time she caught a strange man in her home? Or at least the landlord to get the locks changed?

In this case, you’re probably right. I was speaking in generalities.

Good lord those choppers.