
Pitbull looks like your friend's dad who is like a little too smooth to be a dad, but he's not exactly young and hip either. He thinks he is cool and suave but mostly he wears too much cologne, flirts with all the ladies and is the one who pours the teenagers drinks.

You had me at

Fixed it for you!


Every story of cat doing something ever:

I don't know why, but this gif cracks me up every time I see it.

It's not the cats' faults that babies taste like ham. Maybe if people stopped having ham babies, cats wouldn't try to eat them.

While I don't think my parents are assholes, they totally let our fat cocker spaniel outside off-leash all the damn time. Luckily, all it led to was many rides around the neighborhood yelling "Ohdee!!! Ohdee!!!" and that one time he ate an entire birthday cake that was cooling in my neighbors garage. Okay maybe my

Precisely. Baby hunting is well-documented cat behavior:

As someone who has owned dog-aggressive dogs in the past, I think people need to realise that actually it is their responsibility, if they KNOW they have territorial or aggressive dogs, to pop a muzzle on them before going out. Sometimes it's no one's fault that an unleashed dog runs up to them. Accidents happen and

Freely admit I stole my neighbor's dog over this issue. I walk my cat on leash, so I'm very, very alert to any dogs and take him right back inside if I see anyone passing by with a leashed one. Our neighbor across the street got a gangly shepherd puppy and started letting him just roam free. They would open the door

The PR department here at Team Dog:

When Team Cat is ready to acknowledge denounce their own history of systematic violence.

We at Team Dog regret this incident and plan on investigating further.

Uber, do you think you're some sort of genius because you hate marshmallows, and by extension s'mores?!?!?!
I can only assume you have never had the perverse pleasure of cooking one of these up over a camp fire while your family fights over who was supposed to do the camp dishes in the freezing cold water, because

Well.... looks like I'll be having an existential crisis now.....

First, let me give a slow clap for the headline.

I think most people know that fraternities differ in their cultures from campus to campus if they've been exposed to them... But the vast majority still throw parties to try and get the Freshmen girls drunk. The university I went to actually had frats kill someone in