Go on kids, crack it open!
*thwack, thwack**crack*
*screaming**tiny suction cup noises*
*more screaming*
Go on kids, crack it open!
*thwack, thwack**crack*
*screaming**tiny suction cup noises*
*more screaming*
I think they're lovely! But I love octopi with all my heart. They are so smart and strange!
That's fair and thank you for acknowledging that you may need to rethink some things. This is the kind of issue that women—particularly those who have either been harassed or assaulted—have a lot of feelings about so it's difficult to separate those feelings from the discussion. Frankly many of us do not have the…
Would you allow for the possibility that all the worry about the impropriety of such lists might mean this information does not get to a woman who is then raped? Would that be more or less fucked up?
What if the accusations are true, but, for whatever reason, they cannot or will not be prosecuted? Then what do you propose?
2% of rape accusations are false: http://www.ndaa.org/pdf/the_voice_…
First of all, nobody is being arrested, nor are they likely to given what usually happens in sexual assault cases.
Yes, I understand that the US criminal justice system is designed to shelter rapists. That's my point.
Other possibilities:
Then some innocent college guy might find his dating life unfairly, moderately curtailed for a couple of years. The end.
Because you don't understand how the US criminal justice system works?
That's the thing—these people put in charge of squashing sexual assault for their respective universities keep saying they care, it's not a problem, we're doing the best we can, blahblahblah—I DON'T BELIEVE YOU.
Some form of this needs to happen. I'm sorry about the chance for wrecking a guy's reputation, but there has to be a way to get this information out there. A lot of rapists are serial rapists.
Of course it's not a good idea, but what are these women supposed to do when neither the police nor the university will do anything to help them?
Article totally undercut by author reducing Watson to object: "Just look at her. Flawless."
S.pecial P.erson E.mma W.atson standing up for inequality once again. What I mean is it's awsome she's so Hermione like in her life. Anyway we should put her on a chocolate frog card.
I think you raise some interesting questions. I think those questions are easily ignored because of how you have presented them.
Ronald Reagan implemented conjugal visits for prisoners in CA.