

You don't refer to the rest of the animal kingdom as 'person' 'man' or 'woman.' Sorry. You can make the 'WE'RE JUST ANIMALS' but the way we use language does place a difference, and referring to women with the noun 'females' is something people typically do when dehumanizing women - because it is dehumanizing language.

It's because it's totally dehumanizing. We usually use the term "female" to refer to animals, not human beings. It makes the fact of a person's femaleness more important that the fact of their humanity. It also lends a false air of objectivity and science to a lot of incredibly fucked-up ideas about how women

the cultural expectations society has put on women since forever to be this perfect specimen of servitude to a man's ideal woman.

Genuinely believe it all you want but that song is a direct reference to Tina and Ike Turner.

That look of happiness and joy on her face when she hears her daughter is totally and completely genuine. A moment of pure human emotion and honesty in the sort of shitshow of performance bs is really touching.

I know, right? Gimme dat violence any day! So much better than nasty ol' sexuality with one's husband.

And promoting and sexualizing domestic abuse by a husband against a wife. 'Cause THERE's a great lesson for your daughter!

Tender moment for "someone..." Too bad it happened during an infantile song about her mom having sex with her dad.

Listen up, Catalano. Some of us just fall down. We just do. So take your highlights and your reliable center of gravity and go piss on someone else's cornflakes.

Miss Hannigan should have been played by Megan Mullalley.

We must be related...I do not get all gaga over babies, but show me a puppy and my biological clock will tick so loudly they can hear it going 6 counties over. You can keep your human babies - I love 'em, but I don't want to be responsible for on - I'll take the puppies!

YES!!! I am with you, I think children are cute for 30 mins, but puppies are cute foreveeeerrrrrr!

Really though? Are you sure?

Wait... A company that peddles beauty products is making up a nonexistent problem, trying to convince millions of women that said nonexistent problem is ruining their everything, and then offering to sell them a solution for it?

Dove: Love your armpits. But only if you shave them. If not, you are gross and no product will help you. /snark

I'm going to engage you because you seem to have a more realistic perspective on whats going on. Yes, that is why these standards are set. It is likely that because the requirements were not met and the dog escaped it was outside unsupervised and could have been bred to sell the puppies. Thats why LA has spay and