
My family has always had Great Danes and my parents refused to clip their ears. When my mom was taking our first one to obedience training, the trainer was like, "Why aren't you clipping his ears?! You should do that!" And my mom's response was, "I can't clip his ears, because when I take him for a walk they point


Also, you'd think that even if he hadn't, he would have pulled someone aside and been like, "Hey, I'm not really sure, how do you pronounce this name?" Honestly, I will never understand why it isn't someone's job to pull every presenter aside and tell them how to pronounce the names of the person they are introducing

Hey now, some writers gotta eat.

That's impossible because Scientology cures dyslexia:


That's a happy doggeh! :D

Things that were worth watching:

There was also this, though:

At least Nicholas Hoult was there (BTW, I can't find any decent photos of him from last night ::sadtrombone::)

Done a thesis on this exact topic. No reason to essentially amputate a limb because of the risk it might need amputating later. The risk is so minute as to make it essentially pointless. It's all fashion, man. The injury excuse is just that - an excuse.

Oh, don't apologize to me, apologize to the perfectly-suited dog for you that's on death row for no reason other than rich assholes insist on buying dogs from breeders instead of adopting.

people want good breeds with papers and all, not some dumpster dogs or cats

If she wants a hobby and loves Yorkies, she should start a Yorkie rescue.

And you overlook the serious health problems that Shepherds have due to an insistence that they look a certain way, a preference of the breeders. Forget all of the pain and suffering the dogs suffer all for a trait that does not benefit their working ability.

I think the important question here is whether the character would consider herself/himself to be a trans woman or a gay, male transvestite, or drag queen, or something in between. I also think it's important to consider the historical/cultural context that the character was living in. In 1985, when the movie takes

No, I just have an insane heeler who herds my chickens with literally no training, and my vet told me that's because Heelers are some of the only dogs left that will do that naturally. He's not even a purebred at all. He's part pitbull. I actually think breeding herding dogs is the only legit reason to get a purebred,

All breeders are inherently bad. Nothing can dissuade me from feeling this way. No matter how well they treat the dogs, they are bringing more dogs into the world when millions of dogs are being killed each year because they don't have homes. I squee over puppies as much as the next person but until every dog

You can go into pet finder, pick a breed, and see all of the rescues in that breed. The argument that you need to know what you're getting to for your lifestyle is not a good one. Buying a specific breed does not guarantee health, or a temperament. Dogs are critters not objects. It's pretty hard to argue that there's

Yeah, I know about that, and it was a freak occurrence. Cat bites are more of a problem than rat bites.