
Olivia Benson would have found her a nice hotel room as a 'safe house' and stayed with her or provided a counselor to stay with her. Wouldn't that work better than throwing the poor woman in JAIL?

I agree on both counts.

A few thoughts:

Time to hear my favorite story ever! In college I worked at the mall during the school year because booze ain't cheap, y'all. There was a kiosk at this mall that sold candles shaped like stuff. Mostly food stuff like waffles and other gooey things. It was super weird. Some how they got into the oscars losers gift bags

Maybe I'm just "bitter", but this seems like one more point in the category indicating that the "Oscars" are just a gathering of phenomenally rich and privileged people celebrating how phenomenally rich and privileged they are while giving each other gold statues based on how well they can play pretend.

1) Causation does not imply correlation.

Sure, sure. But the difference is that I'm right and they're wrong!

@thismoi Yes..Oh god. Yes. We Americans are absolutely full of it when it comes to the mindless rhetoric we will spew about our military. The same people who will scream for retribution against the solider pictured would ironically have ZERO problem sending her overseas to become a POW/MIA/KIA for absolutely no good

I find it really uncomfortable to discuss the military with just about anyone because of this level of intensity. I don't believe that merely enlisting makes you a hero. I find the idea ridiculous, in fact. Tons of irresponsible assholes join the military; I've known plenty. But I would never say that out loud because

Sure, it's crass, but... Aahh, hahaha, we all know the type of person that calls for blood over THIS shit while doing nothing about behavior in the military that's, you know, actually immoral and awful instead of just lewd.

No one's saying people can't find more than one thing reprehensible. The point is that this woman is under investigation for a goofy picture while sexual assault is often outright ignored and treated like something people should just expect and live with when they join the military. While what she did showed

I say this as a Canadian, so I'm sorry if this is offensive, but does anyone else find the general attitude of America towards its military kind of uncomfortably intense? Like, I guess what this woman did was a bit disrespectful and silly, but was it really THE MOST HORRIBLE THING EVER?

Tasteless, yes. Stupid, yes. Offensive, obviously. But a punishable offense of any kind? Hardly. I'm pretty sure there are far worse things to focus on. I don't think it's worth the attention it is getting.

We saw this last night and I wanted to pee my pants laughing. I looked at my boyfriend and was like, "DON'T YOU DARE BUY CHOCOLATE, YOU'LL MAKE HER A FAT ASS - BUT SHE'LL DEFINITELY LOVE A CREEPY FOUR FOOT TALL PILE OF SHIT THAT TAKES UP ROOM IN HER HOUSE!"

Quit trying to make "a new Kinja experience" happen. For the love of all that is holy.

Pfft. I have to go around all year putting on a fake smile in our fucking ALWAYS BE HAPPY AND SMILE nightmare society. Let me have one day where people can at least understand why I'm such a bitter asshole.

Now playing

If we're going to be anti Valentine's day, can we just be anti shit like this?

Educate yourself you moron. The world of counter culture is most ASSUREDLY NOT made up of little nooks where men run and hide so they can make rape threats or "offend delicate sensibilities" and for the record, if you think not wanting to put up with creepers, assholes, rape threats and harassment 24/7 is a delicate

"After this, in the alley you gonna get raped,"

Ok everyone stop it with the "I jump in the ring, I know the culture I know the rules, nobody gotta defend me white knight" shit. Theres a lot of "culture" thats fucking wrong. Rape threats and harassment are fucking wrong. It's wrong in gaming, it's wrong at cons, it's wrong in a rap battle. This is rape