What did Colin Firth do? There's not need to drag Mr. Darcy into this!
What did Colin Firth do? There's not need to drag Mr. Darcy into this!
You know, for your two-person "Drunk in Love" naked dance parties.
Well I guess I'm wondering if you're saying that because they end up killing people they're not examples of well-drawn female characters, or if the fact that they get revenge on the perpetrators means they're not good examples of empowered women. Dolores Claiborne and Gerald's Game have women coming to terms with…
I'm not familiar with "Rose Madder" or "Lisey's Story", but Delores Claiborne was no psychotic-killer. And, well, Carrie was just Carrie. I'm surprised he didn't mention "The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon"—I enjoyed that one.
I agree that it sounds sincere, but I don't like the fact that he failed to apologize for using "bitchery" to describe a situation involving sexual abuse and criminal accusations at all. It's like calling someone a girl as an insult, but worse. Also, I'm not sure referencing novels with psychotic-killer women in lead…
Her first crime was selling these poor animals, most likely from puppy mills, her second was this. Monster from the start.
None of this is surprising. People who do business with puppy mills and sell living creatures for profit are miserable, awful people who do despicable things and treat animals like inventory. Thank god all the puppies made it out.
All I can think is that guy could have just typed his own bullshit, framed it, and saved a lot of money.
So normally I really don't like it when people say that something isn't art or whatever, but those pieces are some bullshit.
Right? But I feel like having gender segregated bathrooms, using gendered pronouns...all those trappings of a system are more destructive to gender recognition and equality than someone using the t-word or the c-word. It teaches us to internalize gender binaries.
Take it up with Rowling, she called you lot delusional long before I did.
Seconded. I think shipping Harry and Hermione both undermines how great it is to see a strong male/female friendship and takes Hermione from a dominant relationship position with Ron and makes her second to Harry. No bueno.
Just for the Harry/Hermione shippers out there - this changes nothing. You are still delusional.
Yeah, but I won't lie, in my head canon Neville now totally gets really hot in the books.
Woody still pursued a relationship with the teenaged child of a longtime partner whom he new since she was a girl and who was raised as the sister of his biological and adopted children.
She's fine in the book but they cast her when she was a bit part then Rowling is like "BOOOM, by the way Ginny is a ginger sexpot, oh you cast a boring plain girl? too bad". I met her once in real life and pointed her out to my friend by saying "that woman looks like a 30 year old version of Ginny from Harry Potter"…
I'm more just weirded out that in her fictional universe the vast majority of couples marry people they met at 11 years old.
This. This. THIS.