
With their decidedly non-sterile tongues. This is a no-win game. Everyone who has pets resigns themselves to a certain level of gross. But no pet is as gross as a human kid, so there's that?

I like you!

Nope, because cats don't have eyebrows. Just ask George Carlin! That is the secret to dogs' expressive faces. Cats always have the same blank look. And I really don't hate cats, but they do look like no one's home to me a lot, something about the pupils.

I didn't, I have to confess I still find Kinja difficult to navigate at times. I'm sorry you've had such bad experiences with dog owners. I haven't, but I'm not allergic so I wouldn't take note as much. Your vehemence made me confuse you with sostanky, who has asserted multiple times that he(?) finds ALL pet owners to

Sadly, this seems to be the case across the board in education. :/ As long as we continue to allow those who have money and influence but no real knowledge to oversee educators, crap like this is going to continue.

I'm a dog and rabbit person! Bunny love high five! I feel like they have all the benefits of cats (quiet, self-cleaning, litterbox using) without the disdainful attitude or clawing. Plus they're way cuter. #sorrynotsorry

That varies by breed, but those fucking servile service dogs that help people with disabilities to live fuller lives, man they sure are creepy.

No, you're a sociopath.

People like you who detest dogs have proven, in my experience, to be lacking in empathy and likely to show sociopathic tendencies. I'll take the "pet mommies" over that.

This is such a junk study, and I'm not just saying that because I'm a dog owner with multiple degrees. ;) 600 college students is not a representative sample of everyone and most of them don't even have their own pets yet. They haven't had to be the primary caregiver to a pet yet, so they don't really know what they

I got that vibe too, and it sounds like her response to racism would be some awful social Darwinist shit about market forces being against brown people.

It sounds like we are, in fact, on the same side, which is the common sense side!

Oh greeeeat Ayn Rand has been reincarnated. It's all about "the market." Those RadFem quotes she pulled out of her ass aren't representative of most feminists and she knows it. Utter tripe.

For what it's worth, I lean anti-gun but I'm not bothered by people like you having them at all. I think they should be much harder to obtain, and it sounds like you do, too, but I definitely think there are situations in which it might be prudent to arm oneself and yours sounds like one. I hope you never have to use

Thank you for that. I'm all about not judging what other people enjoy, and I am open minded, but I also have a right to hard line limits about what I will allow when it comes to things being inserted into various parts of my body. If anal is something you (general) like that's all well and good, but the whole Reddit

I really don't get this column (or whatever you call a blog series?). I mean, with this knowledge I can now plan a perfect seven course dinner party for C.A. Pinkham but other than that I just don't get much out of these lists. And I'm not just saying that because I love s'mores (although I do), this was the most I've

I've also noticed on online dating sites that "age is jut a number" according to many older men, but they only mean their age because they would never get with a woman over 30 ewwwww.

BINGO BANGO BONGO. That's what bothers me as well. And as another commenter mentioned, I prefer a partner who understands cultural touchstones that are important to me. There is such a huge difference between myself and a 50+ year old. Having to teach my boyfriend to internet (sorry, stereotype, but often true) isn't

I feel like this discounts the attractiveness of emotional availability (or the illusion thereof) in a man. Being a singer-songwriter is one of the few careers in which talking openly about one's feelings doesn't make a man less masculine because, I would guess, of the showmanship and general swagger that is also

lol, no. A boss holding an employee to ethical standards is not any kind of shaming. But thanks for playing everyone's favorite gameshow, False Equivalency! Last I checked "lazy shaming" was still an ok thing as long as the proof of laziness was not based purely on one's body size.