
But... it's not even the same color.

Seconded (or twelfthed or something)! My first thought was definitely, that right there is Charlie Manson on a pancake.

This kind of thinking makes me want to bash my head into a wall. Your prayers helped you find your car keys! God is good! But no amount of prayer could cure your child's cancer, so God must have needed a little angel! God is good! Sigh.

It shouldn't, Pascal's wager assumes there is only belief and non-belief, but even if you choose belief, you might place your bet on the wrong religion and still lose.

You ARE wrong about everything, however, this list is less terrible than I expected! I do love Cookies and Cream and Twix is definitely in my top five for the cookie crunch deliciousness. I think Caramello should be higher but that's because I always pop a square in my mouth, let it melt a bit, and then shovel in some

My guy was a big French Lop mix which is more often a pet but still considered a "dual-purpose" breed. Basically, there are breeds that don't make good meat (dwarf, Dutch, small lop breeds), but even "meat" breeds make good pets (as you well know!). Flemish Giants, for example, are bred huge to create more meat but

Their pee is definitely rank if you leave it for too long, maybe that was the smell? It also depends on the cage setup, if the cage floor is all bedding they sometimes will lay in the pee and get a little smelly. Ideally they should have a solid bottomed cage with bedding only in the litter box. My bunny and the ones

I will absolutely defer to your personal experience in that case. I am lucky to have a fairly progressive circle so perhaps that's why I've never heard it. I have to confess that I mainly associate "shemale" with intersexed porn performers (damn porno pop-ups!).

Well, their shit literally don't stink whereas when your cat takes a fat deuce it does rather smell up the place. I tend to like my meat eaters to poop outside unless they're flush toilet trained. But really, I just prefer rabbits' personalities. As for indiscriminately pooping, some never grow out of it, but for the

I think they are a lot like cats in that they can convince you to worship them even if they aren't that into you! I always wondered why people loved their cats so much when many of the cats treated all humans with utter disdain, and then I got a rabbit who grew up to be the same way! He was fascinating and funny

You can keep 'em!

Detraction accepted! :)

Oh I'm sure cats aren't palatable at all (vegetarian animals do seem to taste better in general, don't they?), I just think in terms of being companion animals they are nearly equal in my view. I'll also cop to not being a big cat person (though i have met some absolutely lovely individual cats). I love dogs most,

Thanks! I am sadly bunny-less at the moment but hope to scoop up a rescue bunny after Easter. I'll pass the nose bonks along. :)

How cute, nose rubs to Mr. Mango! :3

No, I didn't miss it, I just didn't know I needed to regurgitate the entire article to prove my reading comprehension. But RenJen already covered it, yeah, feral cats are also pests in many parts of the world but if someone were to suggest eating them the whole Internet would explode. In fact, outdoor cats are an

I have to agree. RuPaul is campy and maybe a little un-PC but calling him transphobic is going a bit too far. Kat can say "drag queens are not trans" over and over, but epistomologically speaking, I'm just not convinced that the word "tranny" inherently means "transgender" moreso than "transvestite." And if we accept

Sigh. As a (pet!) rabbit lover I find this depressing. I know I'm a hypocrite because I eat other kinds of meat and pigs are as smart as my dog and so on, but how many of you would clutch your pearls if this was a billboard covered in cats? Because in my experience, rabbits are better pets than cats. They're cuter,

But someone was close enough to get her pregnant ten times, obvs. :/

idk, I know it can happen. But SEVEN TIMES?! And obviously someone is seeing her naked often enough to get her pregnant that many times. I don't buy it that no one knew.