Fat Ronaldo

Yeah, I’d say you’re right. At most, you could see him doing some one-off bad guy in an MCU film (like Jude Law did)

But no way. Shame, because he’d be a perfect Doom.

Tendler has always seemed lovely and I feel bad for how her marriage ended but I can’t imagine a book I’m less interested in. 

I’ve noticed there’s this tenor to a lot of coverage where Tendler gets to slot into the aggrieved long-suffering spouse role and praised for a tell-all book, while Mulaney is disparaged for not talking publicly about it. And I feel like people are mistaking disclosure for truth, and intimating that we’re owed any

I am once again shocked that the entertainment industry, of all places, is a refuge for scumbags and fuckups. How can this keep happening!?

Honestly, it’s kind of hard to hate someone for doing something objectively cool

it’s a clear sign that American audiences just love stories about white saviors ingratiating themselves into an indigenous culture and then deciding that they are actually that culture’s messiah’

Congrats you ignorant fucking morons completely missed the point of the film, which went a step further than the

Listen you might not know this but Gen Z, through Tik Tok, was the first generation to ever speak about things like the “white savior” myth. How could a white man in the 60s ever think of such a thing?!

They’re not indigenous or one race even. The film clearly shows this white savior is a dangerous, destructive, person.

It’s always funny when an ostensible “snarky pop culture writer” lacks the media literacy to even mock a movie effectively.

1) her character sucks.

The Empire Strikes Back just ends with a big reveal, but nothing resolved, and one of the heroes has been captured.  I’d have done it so much better!” -- Sam Barsanti

The ending ruled, so I don’t know if you like maybe stuck your head up your ass and watched that for the last five minutes or what.  I’m not sure what a movie is supposed to do besides just end.  Were you hoping it would like fade out like a Police song?  It sets up that Miles isn’t giving up, you can see him gaining

“Movie with a previously announced sequel ends with a cliffhanger, in shocking turn of events.”

I wouldn’t mind a Jessica Drew or Anya Corazon standalone film if they were actually well written. You could treat an Anya film sorta like a continuance of Homecoming or the first Shazam! movie. Jessica Drew I’d probably treat as either something similar to the early episodes of the Hawkeye D+ show, or a focal

Cleese appears to be an egotistical bigot, while Idle seems like a cranky bastard who apparently has issues with every other living member of the troupe.  Shocking that this apparently made for a tense working environment.

I expect I speak for a lot of people in saying I had no idea until much later that Blade and Guardians originated in comic books. One’s a cool vampire fighter (which DOES make sense to have come from a comic book property) and the other’s a sci-fi action comedy. I was legit confused when I first saw the Guardians were

“save, perhaps, her co-worker Ben, played by Adam Scott in a much too thankless a role”

Its nice that you are still friends with them after that freak accident removed 3/4 of their brain*

The sort of movie that has no blooper reel because all the mistakes are in the final cut and no one gave a shit.

This is the fourth of these movies, the first three were bad, and all of them have been made for the sole reason of Sony holding onto some rights over a character that can’t appear in them, but makes them money when someone else makes movies with him.