Fat Neckbeard

Repeat after me... Harper doesn’t face Scherzer. He wasn’t complaining about Greinke getting calls Scherzer wasn’t; he was complaining about an inconsistent strike zone. It would also stand to reason that he’d have no way to judge what Scherzer was getting called. He can’t see the strikezone from RF... regardless of

Jesus. Who'd have imagined Rob also got all the brains?


I only clicked because of a photo of the most adorable expression in the universe.

I wish you would die in a car accident.

Everyone clicked on this because they thought they were gonna see a nip slip

How do we know the Minion wasn’t the one to push her out in the first place? WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

Im offended seeing C3PO and R2-D2 portrayed as having sex with a woman when they are both happily gay and have been in a stable relationship for years.

Despite the poor reviews, I heard they already cast the villain for Ant-Man 2:

I used to play pretty seriously. The rules are simple. The main goal is to achieve “The Queen’s Errand,” or have the most netted balls by the end of the crow’s watch. If the pepper is placed in your path, you have to wheel the cranberry using only the poetic side of your bike. The lines on the court indicate the

There’s nothing more disgusting than extremely rich people exploiting just regular rich people.

I wish you would step back from that hot take, my friend.

I got an email the other day saying that they’ll be playing at my school next month.

“Buy 10 4x1 line pieces you can summon at any time for $2.99!”

Amare probably sees his usual 10 minutes.

You’re saying this as if Bryce Harper isn’t a genuinely good guy and doesn’t have a great work ethic.

He thought he wanted to kill himself after the embarrassment of the dunk, but realized it was just nuts.

This was much more fun than the time Adrian Peterson and his sports baby did the whip.