Normal country.
Normal country.
I’m gonna shit and piss down your throat
holy shit
Asian american men make up a significant portion of the MRA/incel community. It’s a huge problem, especially because so much of it extends from the cultures we grew up in.
And I also know that being a white male, I’ve got it so much better than 99% of the population. I wish nobody felt like this
Thank you Magic, very cool!
He’s a fine player but god help you if you consider DJ LeMahieu a star
He hit .391 at Coors that year lmfaoooo. Colorado hitting records should never count
Ever since storm arrow he’s basically the best generalist damage hero in the game, regardless of skill
“You cheated not only the game but yourself”
Cops are bad, bitch
Early T.A. is just incredible. I hate what they’ve become so much
Fucked Up is so damn good and it’s literally a crime that they’re still relatively unknown
Love the front look, the back artwork is unnecessary and ugly
Am I the only one who plays pokemon with no battle animations
Lakers don’t even have cap space available lmaoo
It was a goaltend
Warriors might have the worst defence the Raptors have seen so far in the playoffs.
Jordan Loyd
hot take: the original FMA anime was pretty good - Brotherhood is fine but I honestly like the direction the original anime went when it diverged from the manga