Koala Kel

Do you have opinions about Atonement you’d care to discuss? Something has been bugging me since the last time I watched it, and I can’t talk to My Dear Emerson about it because his tolerance for sad movies is very low.

Atonement <3 <3 <3

Humblebrag: Chilean women get 30 weeks paid maternity leave (six before the birth so you can go prepare) and one cannot get fired since the start of the pregnancy until the baby is 15 months old. We’re backwards in a lot of ways but the state takes great steps to protect pregnant women, which I appreciate.

Now playing

Just a reminder: This album dropped today to save your sanity:

I try not to be critical of writers on this site. Usually, if I think something is poorly written, I just stop reading, rather than leaving a comment complaining. But, this is a very big deal and it is very, very straightforward to report what the problem is. Everyone should be putting pressure on the Indiana

Thank you. I was very confused (seriously, had no clue what this article was about).

Wow. I’m sorry, but you missed the entire point of this article- you literally left out what the problem is. The state police SEIZED the tens of thousands (estimated 45,000) of voter registration forms that were filled in by voters, but need to be turned in. All of those people who registered to vote will be

You people have vegemite, you shouldn’t be talking, m8

WTF is Pumpkin spice!?

Because I don’t know who “he” is, I imagine Ed Harris

If (and I place heavy emphasis on “if”) you’re going to go the pumpkin spice route, then I suggest the superior Dunkin Donuts version. It’s actually spicy, as compared to the Starbucks version, which tastes like a Juicy Fruit milkshake. 

And do you believe that Trump would be any better for any of the above topics? Or are assuming that someone more progressive than HC might later run? Who knows? That is all supposition.

Depends on the location. I couldn’t bring a bag of fries I had just bought onto a flight in Australia.


I am going to pay for this wall you want built.

I used to feel the same way. But with all The Donald’s bluster and whipping his base into a frenzy, I’m more afraid that there are enough contrarians out there who would say when considering whether to vote for Trump “you know what, fuck it.” I think Cruz is viewed as such a chinless ferret-face that more people would


Australia? They’re almost entirely banned here, I think only two states haven’t banned them operating commercially, and there aren’t any in one of those states, while the other is planning to ban them. Which is good.

We Jamaicans refer to it as dreadlocks which originated from Natty Dread, which is a Rastafari term. African Americans similarly lock up their hair and grow dreads, however they just commonly refer to it as locks or just dreads. It’s a cultural thing and there’s nothing negative about it despite what you may have been

This just argues that marriage should be for children. Then again breaking up after living together for years likely has most of the legal problems as marriage especially in common law states.