
(I’m feeling like I had a lot of feelings about this and I’m trying to get them organized in the right way, so this might not make a whole lot of sense. And as a white lady, I might misstep, please don’t yell at me, I’m trying.)(I’m super grey anyway, so most of y’all probably won’t even see this!)

Elephants are so hot right now. After the sexy gorilla moment last year, the elephant will most likely be the sexy animal of summer 2016.

It would have been better if when Kylie finally turned around her face was a decrepit ghost and she lunged at the camera and killed Rob.

Chevrolet’s tribute:

Maybe it’s just me but I don’t really want to know how he died. I don’t even believe in God but I’d prefer to think he just shed his earthly body and ascended to wherever artistic geniuses go. I don’t need the gory details. Can’t we let him be mysterious and magnificent in death as he was in life?

NYE 1999 belonged to him.

Goodbye, tiny purple genius. The world was much more interesting while you were in it. Thanks for giving the most interesting parts of my life a kickass soundtrack.


Mike Hunt agrees.

Yeah, I think in America, people tend to think of “racial issues” as concerning white people’s racism against black people. And because that’s the kind of racism that tends to get thought about and talked about most (even though it’s still not talked about nearly enough), I think that probably causes some misplaced

Is this really a good idea, though? I mean, a woman POTUS and VP? Won’t their cycles sync up and wreak havoc on the White House plumbing?

“All things to consider the next time you’re considering leaving an elaborate digital record of your interest in adultery”

The Rage is dead. They have settled into Bitterness Toward Cable Providers in their old age

Two weeks ago I was at a comicon with all-gender restrooms. I have no idea what gender anyone in there was, we were all too busy trying to keep our capes and space marine armor out of the toilets.

Sorry if this is graphic but they DO sell baby parts. And not just any baby parts.....

Yeah, that’s way different from my Greek experience. I think the biggest organization on campus (granted in the early 90's) was about 50 members, and most had around 30. There were probably only around 800 people in the entire Greek system, split about 50/50 between “white” and “black” organizations.

How am I expected to read this long article, when I got a rage stroke halfway into the third paragraph that has rendered me blind?

It’s not her support of Bernie Sanders that makes me question her feminism, but the fact that she chooses to define Clinton by her relationship to her father and her husband, rather than any actual merits or her own accomplishments.

*Calvin is planting the tree in the backyard and stops to admire his handywork.*
“Alas, something Taylor won’t be able to neglect and kill.”
*looks sadly down at the tiny burial mount beneath the tree*
“Poor Bubbles.”

Women drinking alcohol?!? Someone alert John Kasich!