
I worry about all of the athletes competing - in actual raw sewage - during a serious viral outbreak. We shouldn’t be sending anyone. I second MTV Beach House, with Olympic-themed events.

Her hair looks beautiful, and I can’t imagine what actual problem there could be with it. Zara have opened themselves up to some serious problems here I think. Unless they have an actual “no braids” policy, which I highly doubt they do.

It’s a better idea to list real pros and cons of both candidates then the bs you posted. But then, you aren’t looking for dialog, just pushing opinion.

I’ve got a just turned 1 and one month from 5.

“...No idea where that comes from...”

YES! That’s what Americans on both sides sound like to me these days. Everyone calling for revolution and the destruction of the government as if they have any clue what they mean. The desire to burn it all to the ground is terrifying- you only think you want this because you have no idea what it actually looks like.

The first generation to do worse than their parents... Maybe we’re finally getting to a point where people are doing poorly enough that it will seem worth it to really fight for change? I do hope so. But I wouldn’t risk a Trump or Cruz presidency over it.

It makes no sense to run the candidate who has as high negatives as Trump, and who is being dogged by an FBI investigation, over the candidate with the highest positives of any primary contestant on both sides (Sanders). I really fear that the Trump Presidency is far more likely w/Clinton as the nominee.

I think a lot of people say “I don’t know. We’ll see.” because they’re playing a game of political chicken. They think they will scare the Dem establishment into voting for Sanders or risk losing the votes of all the Sanders supporters. I believe (because I’m a hopeless optimist) that the vast majority of them will