
Yes yes yes... My 3yr old has an incredibly strong will and she’s VERY vocal, and while I’m sure it doesn’t get my husband and I brownie points with everyone, sometimes we have to choose not to argue with her because she’s actually made a reasonable argument, and we don’t want our parenting to be about, “Because I

Hahahahahaha. If you knew my uncle, you would know how true this is.

Dear god I hope so. I keep hearing great things about how kids are so much more accepting and open and tolerant than when I was growing up. I really hope that in some way we are becoming a more decent society. I know there’s a lot of fear mongering out there, but I really do believe the majority of humanity is GOOD...

My thoughts just went there, so try to follow my line of thinking.... What if it has to do with the fact that the “Millennials” (myself included) are a generation that wants to see REAL change? Under Bush, lots of us were really young, and we had to live through that shit, and the decisions our elders made, and now

I very much agree. Listening to her, she sounds like she's a Bernie supporter, that REALLY wants him to win, and if that doesn't happen, she's going to have to see what her next options are. I don't blame her for not endorsing Hillary right away. I think that's what a lot of people want to hear because they're scared,

What about the possibility that when she says, “I don’t know. We’ll see what happens.” She means just that? I know of people that are well aware of the threat of Trump, but aren’t sure if they should vote for Cruz (Blegh), or Hillary, or even possibly vote more closely to their conscience and go Green Party with Jill

I think she’s touching on a valid point. There are a number of people who’ve changed parties from the Green Party or Independent just to vote for Bernie. Hell, I know people that are anarchists, who registered to vote for the first time in their lives because of Bernie. They aren’t here because of Hillary and if