
Yeah, this was a clever-for-clever’s-sake episode, which aren’t my favorite. But it’s still damned good to have this show back.

Correct, but the finale also took place in 2019, 2022, 2025, 2035, and 2048.

Better Things” is a show that I save for after midnight, and I just let it wash over me. It’s a show built around atmosphere and mood and feelings and shifting interpersonal dynamics, not around plot. It is purely cinematic in the way David Lynch’s work is purely cinematic, but Adlon doesn’t wallow in the darkness

From a continuity standpoint, they did a good job slotting this in between the 2019 jump forward and the 2022 jump forward in the finale.

I think you’re automatically disqualified from “greatest TV show of all time” contention if your eight or so excellent seasons were followed by over two decades of lackluster seasons.

I definitely agree that Nate works a lot better in frat bro mode than romantic lead mode.

No, this wasn’t a great episode. But it speaks to the strength of this season that the not-great episodes are this good.

Is it just me, or does Zari have much better chemistry with Constantine than with Nate? But then again, Constantine has chemistry with EVERYBODY.

As much as I miss Ray, there is definitely a lot still to love about “Legends”.

It feels somehow true that Sam and Frankie start healing their relationship just as Duke starts turning into a bratty teenager.

It seems like Duke is internalizing some really toxic messages. After her comment about being fat last week, I would guess that Duke decided to take up ballet BECAUSE the instructor picked her

I wasn’t looking for him to replicate the accomplishments of his novels. I was looking for him to give me a mostly satisfying 10-episode serialized story centered around Jean-Luc Picard. In my opinion, he delivered on that expectation. Therefore, I wouldn’t consider it a “washout”.

Your assumption would be correct. I loved it.

No, we cannot.

I actually think Max and Frankie are objectively less awful this season, with a little more maturity and and little more self-awareness.

My father cut off the tip of his thumb with a table saw when I was a kid. When he came running up from the basement, the severed off thumb tip was stuck to the front of his shirt.

The mirror versions ARE doppelgangers: “an apparition or double of a living person.”

So Thawne is basically immortal now, like the boogeyman. Saves them having to come up with a new explanation every time they want to bring him back.

I did love Pepper’s reaction though: “If you’re fat, then what the fuck am I?”

Mina Sundwall was excellent casting as Mick’s daughter. She’s the best part of the Netflix “Lost in Space” re-imagining.

It continues to amaze me how much better of a character Damien Darhk is on “Legends” compared to “Arrow”. On “Arrow”, he was pretty much just a mustache-twirling villain. On “Legends”, he’s gotten a

Mina Sundwall was great casting as Mick Rory’s teenage daughter, who was literally conceived days ago from Mick’s perspective.

There was a moment at the beginning of the season premiere where I thought Frankie had finally grown out of her nightmare phase. But nope. I do appreciate how her gender fluid expression continues to evolve; after she flirted with identifying as male at the end of last season, this episode muddies the waters again,