
Lulu Wilson was phenomenal as Kestra. TNG never had a great track record when it came to child actors, but Wilson was phenomenal here — selling the family chemistry with Riker and Troi, capturing wild exuberance of a free range child with a rural upbringing playing in the woods, conveying the loss of Kestra’s older

The show is exactly as crass as you assumed, but I wouldn’t classify it as “dudebro” at all.

The central character of the first four seasons suffers from clinical depression, and the other characters include: a sexual assault survivor, a homosexual alcoholic and general addict, said addict’s razor-tongued South Asian

Thank you! It felt wrong as I was typing it, but I couldn’t figure out why.

I liked Nate and Amaya together a lot, and the conflict between the fun life Amaya had with the Legends and her duty to her people.

But, yes, Kara and William are terrible together. Melissa hasn’t had great chemistry with any of the male leads she’s been paired with.

This episode had A LOT of bro Nate, and bro Nate is the best Nate.

Normally, storylines that separate any of the Legends from the Waverider and the rest of the team end up being a drag on the show.

But so far, the “Hellraiser” mini-show within the show has a done a good job of servicing both the larger plot of Astra unleashing encores upon the world and servicing the storylines of

I love that Mick was only in one scene for less than 30 seconds, and he still damn near ran away with the episode.

I’m guessing that he’s been smoking a lot of weed with Behrad in the new timeline.

Also, Nate and old Zari is where chemistry goes to die.

Now that they’re SORASing Jonathan and adding another teenage son for “Superman & Lois”, I hope Ruby pops up again as their classmate. Presumably the only three Kyptonian-human hybrid kids on the planet would have a lot to talk about.

The show feels like it’s firing on all cylinders again, after getting bogged down in the second half of last season.

I liked that underneath the vapid exterior, she was still Zari. She figured out a lot in a relatively short amount of time. And she operated her fame as a pretty efficient business enterprise.

That would do it! One letter, big difference.

I could have sworn I saw Rachel Bilson’s name in the guest credits, but didn’t see her in the episode. If I’m not imagining things, I’d bet that she’s who he was in bed with.

I like them both, but not together. The Nate/Ray bromance is terrific, but Nate and Zari don't have any chemistry.

I’m just glad the show isn’t splitting its time between the Waverider and the Time Bureau this season. The Time Bureau was a major drag on the show last season.

It was all surface stuff, though. Her being mouthy because she’s the “bad” one, not her being genuinely conflicted about anything.

I liked this version of Mia a lot better than the Mia from the flash forwards the last couple seasons. The dueling sets of memories give her a duality between two very different worlds like Oliver had, and that makes her more complex and less one note. Some of the best moments in the episode were when Mia drew on her

The Doctor was totally wearing the Twelfth Doctor’s coat to the tech mogul’s party, right?

The Jinn Earth couldn’t have been literally Earth-2, because that one was destroyed weeks earlier as a test case and the three Earths in last night’s episode were among the last ones to be destroyed.