Father Dougal McGuire

Since you’re getting all SJW here, I’ll snatch some of your privilege” and ask: Did you just dox me? Seriously, I complain about a bad writer and you fucking dox me for it?

It is no use discussing with you after that comment. I can’t help if that is your reasoning, but still I’m going to try:

So I looked through those articles and I found absolutely nothing to prove that the writer gives a shit about driving. Try again. Guess what? Your’re right! Sometimes, it’s fun to shove truth in an asshole’s face.

I’m a happy fellow inside and out, but thank you for those kind words! I sincerely appreciate it! I’m sorry you’re such a wuss.

I’ve been reading her stuff for a few weeks. Today it became too much to bear silently. Everyone has their breaking point, even a tough old gearhead like me. Don’t worry, I won’t be commenting much after the next couple of days. The real staff comes back tomorrow and I will have forgotten all about this unpleasantness

Yeah look at who he hired. If you don’t see a problem with hiring someone who doesn’t even own a damn car to write for a freaking car website, then I can’t help you. Oh yeah, thanks for capitalizing that for me! You heartily earned your moniker when you accused me of misogyny in a damn chickenshit way. There was no

Here you go, bud. I’ll take you out of the gray to say thanks for the SJW buzzword! I’m totally going to use that! In case you couldn’t tell, I don’t appreciate being preached to by little kids. How do I know you’re a little kid? Becuase you think “nice gatekeeping” is an insult. Go ahead an try that in the real world

Okay captain social justice, just calm down for a sec. Let me ask you a simple question: Does the particular writer own a car and drive it weekly? Not even daily, I’ll take a weekly. If you can’t definitively answer “yes”, then there is a serious problem with this particular writer’s fitness for this particular site.

Another article written by someone who obviously doesn’t understand the subject matter. Bring back Stef Shrader, she can’t be that expensive.

Does Elizabeth Werth own a car? Has she ever? Does this writer even have a driver’s license? It’s a problem when your readership has to ask that. People who love cars don’t write like this. Kat Callahan was a bad writer but at least I knew that she owned a car and drove it. Why would you hire writers so poorly suited

Thanks for putting me back in the gray. Doesn’t invalidate my reasoning though...

The problem is that GMG hired a bunch of twentysomething writers who don't like cars. This place has really gone to hell since you guys fired Stef. There is almost nothing left for me here. Wow.

Too much filler. I stopped reading by the fourth paragraph.

You should be ashamed at this piece. This is attacking innocent people. You are no better than the hacks at Breitbart. Shame.

Very poor taste. This article will come back to haunt you. You disrespectful little shit. How about you wait a day before dragging the dead man’s name through the mud.

Cats are large rodents. Dogs all the way!

More than a race issue, I think this is about the idea that shoplifting is a “victim-less crime” I hear similar excuses from people of all races that I catch stealing. An apology isn’t enough once you’ve stolen.

How is he a superintendent? Fucker sounds like he’s illiterate.

Fuck me. I’m sending whatever I have, but it’s gonna be real hard not to cry on the envelope.

Who’s breaking character? You’re a piece of shit for stealing and then bragging about it. I’m just calling you out on it. I hope you get caught someday and your boss sees the mugshot.