Does anything Tesla *not* scare you?
Does anything Tesla *not* scare you?
It's really too bed this self important, condescending douchebag didn't get caught up in the Splinter axing. His takes are typically hot garbage that belonged on that extreme left hack blog anyways.
Opinions like this make some good populist kindling, but never addresses a) how money currently collected is being wasted and how to fix that and b) what exactly would this money be used for and c) who are we punishing and to what ends?
It is almost like Aaron doesn’t realize airfare is already taxed, and if you travel more you already pay more tax. He seems to be getting desperate in coming up with new ways to say vehicular travel is bad on a car blog.
Tell that to my friend’s fiancee and his family....he is sitting in the hospital right this very second with a lung infection that won’t go away and is resisting all forms of antibiotic. He didn’t vape any blackmarket THC. He has been vaping, normally and legally for about 2 years.
How hard is it to order some fentanyl from China.
In both pictures there is almost no traffic. Why does this highway exist?
“Cops need to understand the communities they serve.”
Dougal is a priest on the 90s sitcom called “Father Ted”. It is awesome.
You would call it a stupid take, child diddler.
Counterpoint: NDT has taught me many things, and Jack Crosbie has not enriched my life in literally any conceivable way.
You nailed it man. Those two articles by this website explain Republicans’ current tendency to win more elections, overall and with many important caveats, than Democrats. The entirety of this comment should earn you a Ph.D in political science and an opinion column in the New York Times.
Splinter: Yas Kween’s all over Rashida Tlaib’s face for calling Drumpf a “Motherfucker”.
“Sacrifice” implies that something of value was lost
LGBTQ acceptance brought to you by Beats Headphones and Pepsi!
Children aren't allowed into E3
No one on this planet has played through Doom too many times.