
You cannot apply for asylum outside of the US. You have to be in the US to apply for asylum.


Building my Linux desktop 4 years ago. I built it to see if a) I could do it, and b) I wanted a cheap box to SSH into my computer at work. I left that job about 3 years ago, but the box is still running great. I upgraded to Linux Mint 18 on Sunday, and it’s running like a champ.

I seem to recall reading that when gators get to a certain size, they’re not returned to the swamp, they’re euthanized.

Sudekis jumping into shot and doing Running Man is the highlight of SNL, IMHO. I’ve never laughed at anything on that show as hard as I’ve laughed at that gag.

Trump’s new hairstyle seems to be called “Boris”.

My takeaway:

Raisins are proof that the Lord of Lies lives on the front of a tiny box. He takes the form of a happy girl in a bonnet. I’m not fooled. The background is red. One day, I know I’m going to see a box of raisins holding a little pitchfork and sporting cloven hooves.

If I have time, I like to salt the cabbage ahead of time. This draws out the extra water, and the cabbage is crunchier, the dressing sticks better, and there isn’t a pool of yuck water at the bottom of the bowl.

This needs to be done.

I loved mine. 2007, Atomic Blue, AWD, Auto. Fun to drive, carried roughly 34 metric tons of shit without complaining.

Mrs. Jabroni just got a new Dell laptop for work. All USB-C; no HDMI out. Had to buy dongles for that little beastie.

Day ain’t over yet.

I don’t see the issue.

I just find it odd with all the travel experience the one thing you come away with is that people west of your current seat seem to have nothing in their lives but guns. Granted, there are a number of gun enthusiasts (particularly ones I grew up with) who also made their own guns, reloaded their own shells, etc. I’m

Never experienced this and I’ve lived in some bodaciously small towns in the US. May want to travel a bit.

Oh yeah... when the Transformers movies were shooting here, that lot was filled with loads of set piece ‘debris’— pillars, cornices, rubble. Walked past it every day on my way to work.

Yep. If you like The Clean, dig into The Bats and Robert Scott. Scott plays bass in The Clean and rhythm guitar in The Bats.

Bandcamp opened the door to Flying Nun Records. I heart them for that alone.

Good article. I’ve been digging through Bandcamp for ages because there’s just a ton of really good stuff, but I will have to look into some of these other sites.