
I’ll just put a plug in here for Library of Congress— Mrs. Jabroni and I got cards when we went to DC last time, and then spent several hours looking through books and getting familiar with the place. Mrs. Jabroni met the head Children’s Librarian for LoC, which was significantly cool.

This “you can’t legislate against evil” thing is really troubling. They’re just throwing in the towel. “Oh well, they’re just evil. Can’t fix that. There will be more evil people tomorrow who shoot more people. Thanks for watching.”

Man, I love apple pies, but this is too Martha Stewart for me.

Am I too late to create a Facebook account and like the page?

Courts have ruled that 1st Amendment protections within the context of a school differ from other venues— namely, if the censorship or restriction is in support of the educational mission of the school, then the school can limit or ban forms of expression.

“The Scaramucci Post is going to be a center lane in a two-lane highway,”

DirectTV is run by chickenshit idiots.

Yeah. This. It’s bad.

My pet peeve in Chicago (and in no other city have I experienced this to the degree I experience it here) is the need for people on the L to CROWD BY THE DOORS. Nobody gets in or out. I have to shove my way to the middle of the train car, where there’s usually a space to stand. Sometimes sit, if you’re lucky.

It’s “bestest” for people who don’t understand English.

Can’t wait to see what kind of boondoggle Rahm & Rauner are trying to cook up for Chicago— already plenty of TIFF disputes, and Amazon is gonna want every break known to the tax code just to get the Illinois delegation a second meeting.


I still wish I could play Joshua Lavinsky’s ‘Time Trek’ again, but I can’t carry around a TRS-80 Model 1 with cassette drive in my pocket.

Obviously you’re not the person that does tech support and maintenance on your family and your extended family’s computers and phones.

They have big foreheads and deep voices. Or they have less big foreheads and less deep voices.

Nothing in the contract says you can’t do that.

I loved the David Pumpkins sketch, but SNL has a history of beating things to death. We’re on that path here.

Looks like April 1 came a little late this year...

I still want to punch this bag of pus in the throat.

Like the look. Going to be an unfortunate cover of Bittersweet Symphony, though.