
Man, Kirk and Chekov have been lifting.

If it’s the piece from the Sunday NYT, I read it. It was an interesting take— the reason why the Democrats are failing is, in subscribing heavily to identity politics, the party is marginalizing itself.


Blah blah woof woof.

And who does that outside of corporate IT or people who work in corporate IT. Nobody. And that’s the point.

Yeah, the guys who drive with fucking smokestacks on their trucks are exemplary drivers.

Oh my god. This is genius.

Yep, long passwords have been proven so effective against dedicated hackery.

College Buddy: Dune is the best book I’ve ever read.

Kanye cancelled?

Been driving my 2014 CX-5 for about a year now— same trim level as the one you’re looking at.

Oh yes. Very real.

That is an exceptionally ugly car. Let’s take a shoebox and pipe it with dried macaroni. The lower the light, the better.

After Trump gets into office, Putin is soooo going to hand Snowden over to US authorities.

The Man In The High Castle. Who knew it was a documentary?

Rich pricks all around! Rich pricks on the house!

You don’t know that.