
It’s something her dad would say when she was misbehaving.

The ex-Mrs. Jabroni grew up in Kent. She had some interesting expressions:

There’s a lot of talk about Civil War battlefields (which I have yet to visit, but they are on the list). But also I recommend Arlington National Cemetery. I don’t have the vocabulary to describe the place, but I feel it should be required for all Americans to visit.

There are two things I’m looking forward to in the next few months:

All the wins to you.

This is precisely why I never bothered with Hulu, it was more trouble than it was worth. I still haven’t seen the last series of Warehouse 13 because it still hasn’t showed up for free on Amazon Prime. Haven’t checked Netflix.

I had no idea this show existed. Mrs. Jabroni and I enjoy SHIELD, but our DVR crapped out in April, and wiped out all of the SHIELD and Agent Carter eps we were planning on saving for the summer when it’s too goddamn hot for even the surface of the sun outside.

I plan to stay. I love the company, and I want to see it go into its next chapter.

I’m so glad Clint did this interview. It will give MSNBC the prime time fodder they need now that the RNC and DNC are complete.

Oh, yeah. I had to have speech in college as well. It was a required Arts course.

I guess these are active strips. Otherwise, you’re missing Krazy Kat and Pogo. Of the living, I am stil a fan of Jerry Van Amerongen’s Ballard Street.

Lucky bastards.

I know nothing about baseball stats (stats in general, in fact).

Yes. The rest of the film is something of a disappointment to me, but the first 10 minutes are utterly amazing. I just got teared up seeing that little clip.

With you on this one. Yes, it’s nice he can do these things, but it’s little more than a parlour trick. Which is sad, because he’s obviously talented.

I grew up in a BFE town in the middle of nowhere, and our High School had Speech I and Speech II classes. This was in the early 80's, which probably explains it. We had a smallish debate team (usually 2 kids), and it was held to that size because the instructor pointed out that if there’s one thing teenagers love to

He looks like Steve Carell’s idiot half-brother.

Stop bringing facts and science and all that into this. If an issue can’t be expressed through an emotional trigger mechanism it’s NOT AN ISSUE.

They don’t teach Speech in High School any longer, do they?

I just report ‘em, and go off my own experience. I’ve had beds with both, and haven’t noticed any marked difference in the non-box springs.