Father Anonymous

My grandfather was a fairly conservative minister, and I can practically imagine him saying the same thing. I myself am (theologically if not politically) a pretty conservative minister, and I’d never heard of purity balls before this thread, either. I’m now kind of grossed out, and just liked the comment about “weird

“Do you know what radio waves look like? ... Because I do.”

So, um, Ashley ... None of my business, but what inspired you to create this odd little scenario?

I think Annette Funicello turned out okay. And Cubby O’Brien has had a pretty good showbiz career as a drummer. But if you mean kids eho’ve been stars after, oh, 1960 ... Seems unlikely.

Any attraction to pregnant women I may have comes from a straightforward source: experience. My wife was one those mothers-to-be who get friskier as their term goes on. Her pregnancy was the only time in 20 years that her sex drive surpassed mine. By the end, she simply couldn't get enough. It was ... Awesome.

Whereas I am also a U-2, despite being very short and having a center of gravity so low I can't be knocked over by most trucks. But I do wear ugly sunglasses and hang out with religious and charitable types.

I feel so stupid. I had all the pieces and forgot to put them together!

CofE, maybe? The Epicopalians are the American beach of the Anglicans

By Oliver Herford:

I'm not sure about "popular," but Opinels are readily available and have a passionate following. I've carried my #7 with the carbon blade for almost 30 years, and if it broke or were lost would replace it without a moment's hesitation.

I like the Scarecrow. He's creepy and fear-based, which makes him fit in to the Batman world. He's a demented psychiatrist, which seems to have been quite a common thing among Golden Age Bat-villains (cf. Hugo Strange, Prof. Milo), and opens up all sorts of neat possibilities given the modern-day suspicion that

Now sit here by the fire, kids, while Daddy tells you the most terrifying story he's ever heard. I call it … "Bush v. Gore."

That Suarez is a vicious SOB.

I went to a school with no athletic scholarships and, not coincidentally, no football team. We had plenty of student athletes, who were bona fide amateurs. Some of them were pretty good — a national Frisbee champion, ranked croquet and squash teams, and (by the time I left) a decent fencing program. Obviously,

He probably couldn't meet the clinical criteria, but I think you may be making him sound a little less psychologically troubled than Doyle hints at.

The French did just that, in 1066. And although the impact on English culture was vast, it's pretty easy to discern a continuous sense of English national identity.

I loved that game. Played it all the way through, slowly, in grad school. There was just one problem: I'm tone deaf. Can't match pitch on a bet.

As a dad who is soon to take the plunge and buy a gaming platform to share with his first-grader, I'm grateful for this. I hope there's a guy like you at my local gaming shop.

I hear you. I am a member of the clergy, and — like so many of us — am fascinated by science. My seminary classmates included, among many others, a couple of chemists and a rocket scientist.

Yup. If this story proves to be true (and I'm betting it does), we can assume Weiner is a sexual compulsive of some sort. Since his compulsion has already cost him his job and apparently endangered his marriage, it's fair to call it "dangerous."