Father Anonymous

Matter-Eater Lad or nothing!

So can Ford do a buddy picture with Nartin Shkreli? Because if anybody’s face needs punching ....

The irony is that I can go to church and say “Star Trek” as often as I like. And I do, often.

They seem to have confused Miller’s character with a similarly-named villain who hangs around city parks. His costume is a trench coat with hairy legs sticking out from under.

I saw Life of Brian in seminary, with my wife’s Greek class. It was the teacher’s idea. We all loved the scene where the soldier corrects the graffitist’s Latin grammar.

Completely agree about Mar-Vell, with one qualifier.

Is this the end for Dilton Doiley?

This is cool. But you know what’s really cool? An astrophysicist named Ramses Ramirez. Pretty sure he’s a Marvel Comics character about to be zapped by some beneficent radiation.

Anybody hear who they cast as Rawhide Kid?

I agree with your list, and like Voyage Home more than you do. I’ll add that while the Star Wars pictures are a lot more consistent, and have incredibly high production values, I’ve never seen one that was as relatable (and therefore enjoyable) at the best ST movies.

You said “Matriarch” and my first thought, no joke, was “Ma Hunkel.”

I like it, for the same reason I like the fact that he never realized Jessica Jones had a crush on him. Peter Parker’s high school years were such a mess that he passed through them in a constant blur of get-powers-dead-uncle-fight-villains-get-job-boss-hates-me-dead-girlfriend-hit-jackpot that he basically never had

Star Wars is political the way The Scarlet Pimpernel is political. The story depends on the assumption that one side — the Terror — is evil, and another — the old  aristocracy — is virtuous. It works for pulp fiction, but more serious art would be all about the ambiguities.

Yeah, well, I’m also holding out for the Quantum Leap movie.

That’s lovely. Now can I have some Journeyman?

Ouch. Not the way to handle MOKF at all.

It’s a little beside the point, but my favorite martial arts storyline ever is already a Marvel property about an Asian guy. Iron Fist is cool and all, but I really want Shang Chi.

One of my favorite Superman sequences in any medium.

And the guy she was sleeping with probably didn't worry about statutory rape, what with murdering people for a living and all.

I'm so disappointed. The headline made me think he was getting his red underpants back.