
Bought this on a discount and am really enjoying this. Has a learning curve and for some reason on casual matchmaking every match was filled with team killing arse****s (PS4)....But its tense in a way no other MP FPS is. Addictive though the operator purchase system is too grindy if you don’t pay to play. Still think

Why not integrate your emails into your task list? I use multiple folders but anything that requires action gets copied into a task with a clear start and end date.

While I understand the concerns on privacy - whats the flipside? I work in marketing and I can tell you what’d happen if we didn’t have this data. We’d simply stop advertising on the internet. No metrics, no ability to target no advertising. How many sites would last then? How many sites would you pay for? People

If that does happen with Trump at the realm - I think its even more interesting to think of 2nd and 3rd order effects. First, I doubt much of the rest of the world would even choose to get involved. So expect this to be a pure US vs. China conflict. The EU will abstain for 2 reasons - 1) They didn’t start the beef

I really like the game...but that above? It makes me cringe man.

Not being callous but I went through the same crap last time round I visited the US - and this was back in 2007. Stuck at Chicago for 10 hours for “special security clearance” despite the fact I was travelling with a 1 yr old and my wife. We ran out of baby formula and US security could GAF. It was 5 min clearance

American journalism has been dead for a long while now. I’m no American but I can read enough between the lines to even see that the opposition to Trump is doing a poor job. There was more talk about Melania’s smile than Carson’s credentials or Rex Tillerson of where the resources for this wall will come from or what

I had a very different reaction with my kids. I pushed them for some time to get the Nintendo or anything nintendo related but my kids always defaulted to the PS or Xbox. Now they are older at 5 and 7 respectively (Age at the time of those consoles) and they just couldn;t find anything on the Nintendo systems to

AS a non American - I have a serious question to ask both conservatives and liberals there. First if you’re conservative - why does this not bother you? Ultimately this will come back to bite you in the arse and lead to discrediting the capitalist system. For populist ideologues I get the short term thinking, but

Have you ever used the site Quora? I see this all the time there also. Questions asked about Muslims and (In my case Pakistani’s) and then down votes to all answers by actual Muslims vs. upvotes to generally White American’s. Classic problem of Whitesplaining

Yep the Lego version of this will be great until you get to the last mission where it gets awesome (Lego Call of Duty Normandy invasion)- ending with a big screw you you die end screen. Pretty freaking bleak man.

My kids saw it and loved it too - 7 and 10 yrs old respectively. Let them know war is dirty and sacrificing. I think I got more scarred by Rogue One then they were though. Need to see it again

My kids saw it and loved it too - 7 and 10 yrs old respectively. Let them know war is dirty and sacrificing. I think I got more scarred by Rogue One then they were though. Need to see it again

Well lets not forget Amazon Prime video is not available in all countries. If you want to watch this show (And I do) then the option to do so legally simply doesn’t exist. I don’t really see it as lost revenue therefore if the option never existed in the first place.

I never heard about this before though I have heard of the movie. For my understanding though - its not clear how this happened. Isn’t acting just supposed to be acting - are we talking about him surprising her via improvisation or was this assault? I mean outside of porno you don’t actually film sex in a film (With

I think its just a central problem with the base material - the comic also lost steam over time and whiel some people like it, feels meandering. These big bads come in but basically the show which started out feeling so real about a Zombie Apocolaypse now feels fake. Humans would rebound and build society. Some will

Your understanding of Arabic comes from Fox news right? Ok can we please ban any mention of the following names Cheney, George, Rumsfeld, Tommy, Blair and Tony? These names are forever ruined for me after starting an illegal war. Don’t get me started on Democracy...

Actually if you’re not a white American the first definition you do get of Jihad is struggle against sin. My first understanding of Jesus for example come from colonial repression and the ‘white mans’ burden but hey I don’t hold that against anyone nor do I impose my views. Otherwise can we also ban Reagan, Kissinger,

They need to reboot the Punisher and all of this just seems spinning wheels. What makes the Punisher is that he's not superhuman and Frank Castle is a Vietnam vet. If he was in his 20's in Nam that makes him pushing 60 plus now? Updating him to be a new character has to happen.

Weak sauce! Winter Soldier was far more adult in its storytelling than BvS yet still managed to retain humor. But that’s not the issue that many of us have with BvS...I’ve seen few reviews that criticize BvS for being dark. Its that it doesn’t add up. Batman Begins and the Dark Knight got away with dark cause they