
Any data on how many people finished the narrative? I found it too repetitive and game mechanics too time consuming after like 30 -40 hours of gameplay and pulled out. How would this compare vs. previous Rockstar games?

Back in the 60's and early 80's Pakistan was firmly in the US Camp and anti-Russia. Without getting into details, consistent back tracking etc. from the US has now pushed that country firmly into a pro-China camp at a time when the great power politics era is coming back. This pattern will repeat itself.

Have you ever been to Tehran? Compared to the Gulf States (US allies) they have higher female workforce participation and rights. While Tehran is no virtuous state to say US antagonism to it is due to concern for its female populace is certainly facetious.

Because there are no heroes in the 1%. Or consistent need to find that (and the fawning pseudo-journalism to create that image) is part of the problem. They are all shitty people..because shitty people have what it takes to make crap loads of money.

I have a question on point 2.

Did you catch the post fight interview? Questioned on his next opponent he replied “Chesseburgers, steak and fries..”

No matter how hard you try unless you use your hands you leave delicous shrimp meat on the plate when you cut the tail off. Please Chefs just do it in the kitchen....

Please tell me which other country is checking your phone and social media history after the visa has been issued? I travel extensively and have never heard of this anywhere except the US

I’m not American and I simply fail to understand this about your country. You are a rich democratic nation yet the only one that has no medical care, is the most unequal and has more guns leading to greater crime than anywhere else. You lament these issues and polls show popular opinion in favor of fixing this yet

Frankly if the US was to just lower worker rights and pay down to Chinese levels so much manufacturing would come back. Now whether that is an acceptable trade-off is another question


Meh - the NYT has been famous for its biased coverage for a while now. From the WMD to the Israel-Palestine issue. The NYT has always bent towards power and money.

Remember Alan Kurdi from Syria - his body washing up on the shores of Europe? I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting for the right thing to happen.

Concentration camps - lets just stick to history. They were popularized in popular history not by the Nazi’s but the British during their nasty Boer war in South Africa. They have stuck around through the Armenian genocide, the Nazi regime, the US Japanese internment and so on. 

Why don’t we have more ONE FC coverage? Its far more popular now than the UFC globally - and frankly I’m tired of the WWE direction of the UFC matchmaking. I’m also no longer sure its fair to say that if its not UFC its not a top tier fighter - I think its more like if its not UFC its not a North American top tier

Why can’t we get a Batwoman who actually looks like a bad ass? Someone who won’t fall down from malnutrition. For all its “wokeness” I’m tired of seeing stick thin women punching and kicking as if they are MMA stars while real women who can fight are sidelined. Imagine if this was Gina Carano? Or someone like her - or

Heres a question - how come Rainbow 6 whcih is purely online and has lots of grindy parts to it simply works as an online game with its transaction model while SWBF2 (And possibly even COD BO4 which is to come) are taking so much flak? I say this as someone who is an avid RB6 fan and at the same time I fully supported

You know if you really wanted an edgy remake thats daring...Paul Kersey becomes Paul Qursi, a Middle Eastern Muslim American married to an African American living a comfortable white collar existence. He’s a republican, convinced his money and privelege buy him security and set him apart. Then some white thugs mess up

Do you think Warner is batshot crazy enough to launch a Flash movie with a modified Flashpoint storyline that they then use to reboot the entire DCEU holding onto only Wonder Woman and possibly Aquaman (As they are/might be Box office successes) but jettisoning everything else? The less they produce till then the less

You know the best game for this..and it pains me to say this. COD:WW2. Hop in play the MP TD and hop out. Never play ranked, or anything other than simple public. Destiny 2 is a single player game - you will never be able to do any of teh raids or whatever. RB6 was godo but the community is toxic and casual is the