
This is so extremely dumb - this list of names is useless. To give some perspective Muhammad as a first name is literally the most popular first name in the world (Google it). Its so commonly used among Muslims its even more vanilla than lets say “John” for anglos. The last name “Khan” is also a very generic last name

You know over time I look back and think the Heat shootout is vastly under-rated. No one has put together any shootout (Including Mann himself) that has come close to the intense reality of that. It feel horrific but at the same time so real - from sound design, to tactics, weapons handling and lastly geography. I

And cut scenes - oh Lord cut scenes. Sometimes if the story is worth it sure the cut scene is engaging, even important. However some stories just suck and with super long cutscenes that are un-skippable it just sucks the energy out of playing. Lats game I played like that - BF Hardline, sorry the story wasn’t that

One could write volumes of Xenophobic America where a Muslim name gets you flagged, where every joke or comment is taken as national security alert and the NSA, politicians and public proudly fight for the right to collect every foreigners phone calls and internet usage stats. Lets then not forget the racist and

My top 2 - though both are lazy shots.....

Ms. Marvel is so damn good. Its a great example of how a bit off diversity can make an already strong story really great by bringing about a completely different spin. Ms.Marvel would not be as great if it wasn't for its highly unusual Teenage Muslim girl of Pakistani background - still be good but not have as great.

Who are these Muslim terrorists killing? 90% of the time its other Muslims...so does it make sense for you to then say its an Islam problem or an extremist problem? If a Christian extremist bombs an abortion clinic no one asks the Christians of the world to apologize but this is the standard expectation for Muslims.

I wish this was a Japan only scenario but there is a long list of countries that will see the Xbone only in Sep'14. Keep in mind the PS4 is already in or will have atleast a 6M headstaart in these markets and it will be juts short of 1 year into this new console cycle. Its not hard to draw an impression that says