
No, they're smart enough to raise the issue and have. They just don't have very big numbers for some reason...

Williams has been pimping his "I'm a professional black conservative! Feel good about yourselves, whitey! I take checks and am available for most klavern meetings! White people were the REAL slaves!" shtick for ages now. I hope he has to cry himself to sleep at night, but he think he sold his shame in a 2-for-1

Wow, the disconnect you had to get to in order to make that kind of reasoning is impressive.

Wait, what do the real victims get?

any alternatives for android?

To everyone out there, why pay 400$ for a PS4, when you can instead do this?

Man, screw you guys. If a girl comes over and sees my Hey You, Pickachu! N64 and likes me less for it, then I'll probably throw out that system because that'd be the first time a woman ever stepped into my house.

Me thinks the lady doth protests too much.

All the French gay guys have a bit of flare, then, I guess.

It's essentially impossible to hold a cop responsible for anything. DAs are part of the system—they don't feel any moral compulsion to hold cops to the standards of the law and will probably not want to file charges in the first place. On the rare occasions that they do, it's automatic that other cops will lie for

Indeed, he was permitted to retire. That means he may be eligible for having his legal expenses and/or being bonded out by the FOP. I know they extend benefits to retirees with a pension, so his not being an active duty officer could possibly not disqualify him for that. The PBA and FOP are like those "charities" that

You forgot that after all that, he wasn't fired, he simply retired on disability. Filthadelphia cops have been corrupt for a long ass time but then again, it seems most major cities have corrupt police forces.

It's nice to see that even though he has a history of domestic violence, shooting into a crowd in order to enact a revenge killing of a suspect, and shot a second man despite there being witnesses that vindicate the victims, he was only forced to retire when he turned his violence on another cop. Beating up a

running, biking, running, hey...he's cross training!

All I'm hearing is that it's only called "extra support" when you're a woman. Being a man and belonging to golf clubs, intraoffice groups and committees, having older male mentors - that's just all part of the job. If a woman does these things, it's a secret cabal of vaginas. If a man is on a leadership committee

I don't get how this works…I mean, to word the instructions differently, you can't simply pop a Pringles tube over the roller while it's still on the cage and put the cap on and keep everything airtight. You'd have to take the roller off the cage, and how's that less messy than wrapping the roller in plastic for the

But you fit all the models. You are from the Dominican Republic.


Right. Metro got grafted on to Windows because it's "smarter" and "more efficient", not as a ham-handed attempt to compete with the iPad. Pull the other one, it has bells on.

I have not gotten a light yet but these lights are really tricky when you make a right turn on red. you have to stop far behind the line and then move up so you can see traffic and my friends have gotten tickets when trying to get to a spot where they could see traffic when I was in the car. So now we just dont do