
Yeah, I work a union job, and my official paid maternity leave* is 6 weeks. And everyone I know with a job knows that is pretty generous here. But most of the women I know with young kids left the workforce when they were born instead, either because they have the means to be a SAHM for a while, or because they were

Yep Accounting is what I was thinking, especially tax accounting. I when into operations management, but have accounting schooling and while a lot of the basics are general accounting and GAAP a lot is also specific to US regulations especially tax. Best shot is what NewEngland said and go for a job with a

We need a dating app called “Marry a Canadian”, because the benefits sound great!

Don’t stop reading the column. Come here and hate read it as I do, and then mock “Jane” in the comments. Also, frankly, the letter writers are going to get better advice in the comments.

Yeah, I’m having a hard time to think of a field where the two countries are totally incompatible. Is he a gun lobbyist or professional hockey and maple syrup hater?

Yeah, a friend is moving with her British husband to the UK and the British immigration officers gave her shit because she had kept her own last name. (She’s a professional in her 60s and they’ve been married a long time). She has to go through all kinds of legal hurdles in the US to change her name to her husband’s

Yeah, seconded that this is terrible advice, possibly from a person who is bad at math? Good Lord! I don’t like being pedantic unless it’s absolutely necessary, but I think it might be so here. As the animals in Yo-Gabba-Gabba used to say: Break it down!

So many problems would be solved by heeding Maya Angelou’s advice: when someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. I’m hardheaded and it took years for this lesson to stick but once I got it, life got easier.

This whole column is an embarrassment. It really is. People will fuck up their lives, and possibly the lives of their children, by following it. I mean, “Who knows, you might not even be fertile?” holy shitballs. 

And you didn’t even mention the wall that Canada might build.

Seriously, that first guy - - she called him a “catch”. In what world is a socially crippled bucketful of daddy-issues who can’t speak to women considered a catch?

OMG. I just turned 33 and quite familiar with this math now. I’ve been with my bf for 8 months. He’s younger than me. He really wants to have kids. I would enjoy having kids, but it wasn’t something I felt like I have to do. Due to my age though I told him, if we’re going to have kids together, we need to start trying

This is what I thought, too. Not many people are willing to emigrate to another country for love’s sake. If she’s in her early thirties already, knows she wants to marry and have children, and is 100% sure she wants to live near her Canadian family and friends while she does that, I would advise her to move back home

Absolutely. The advice to just have fun with this guy and see what happens is terrible. She’s in her early 30's, and wants kids. She doesn’t have time to fuck around. The ‘maybe you/your family/Trudeau will turn evil bit’ was also a weird stab at humor.

Right?! On the maternity leave. When she mentioned the two and the “three month standard in the US” I was like hahahahha sure. Maybe. As long as you know that’s UNPAID.

Right? Honestly, it was always a great surprise, I was so appreciative and it gave me a shot of confidence, and made my day. Every single time.

And he moved to UTAH to purge dogmatic beliefs? So, so confused.

I have a message for Veteran: I promise, I swear, I know from life experience, you are NOT the only one. I’m older than you and found that your experience with dating is not uncommon among men and women. And I have very similar issues with my parent that continue to have a negative impact on me. But as a woman, I can

Dear letter writer 2,

*Reads answer to LW1*