
Yup, that’s definitely one of them.

I feel like the place for an ally on somewhere like Jez or The Root is to respond to the clueless men/white people. Like, here, I have a ton to say that’s relevant because it’s a community aimed at me, but get sick of responding to clueless men sometimes (not as sick as others, because I’m a teacher trained in

I just discovered my very loudly self professed feminist male ally boss was actually doing NOTHING and passing off my projects as his own. As in he had ZERO tasks 99% of the time while I’ve been working my ass off for over a year. And making double my pay.

I totally understand your point of view and it’s something I’ve struggled with myself and tried to actively consider before posting, as a male commenter on this site. I thinking a couple years ago when I started posting, I was much more likely to respond to many different types of posts, but after taking some critique

I speak from experience when I say that it is not fun to know your history of posts is being regularly scanned by a dude who wants to displace, discredit, even destroy you. Stalking and harassment is a serious problem, but even more so when the male is ungreyed, and seems to feel it his territorial right to dominate

QueenCorsetKatana or whatever that person’s name is.

I don’t like the male top commentators either. They all follow the same trajectory: they start out ok, coming here because they want to learn and respect that it’s a woman’s site, they ask questions and observe, but slowly but surely, they take up more and more space as they learn how to write comments that get them

I get what you’re saying, but I would like to point out that Bobby, at least, posts more than “occasionally”. And you literally dropped the “not all men”, you just rewrapped it first.

Mortal Dictata

I wonder where people get the time. I mean, Jez is one of the few blogs I continue to read and comment on... and on the days I do, it takes a fair bit of time.

He’s delusional enough to think so. I’m sure he promises his applicants compensation once he wins his various pending lawsuits. Anyone dumb enough to apply to work for him is dumb enough to believe he’ll win his litigations. Probably gives them IOU checks, leftovers & has bunk beds in his basement to get them by.

For fucks sake. Her brain isn’t even fully formed yet.

New York Magazine’s Washington Correspondent and frequent Chris Hayes guest, Olivia Nuzzi, has some weird affinity for Yiannopolous, Sunderland, and Ann Coulter.

Lindy West flosses harder things than Milo from out between her teeth every morning.

I believe it, and I’m sorry. :/

There are times when I want to shake Lindy and say “You are a big smart White girl, girl! Come on, screw these b*****” and then shit like this is revealed and realize there needs to be more Lindy Wests, louder Lindy Wests amongst White women.

I have White women at my work who have told they don’t trust decades old White friends now. DECADES.

Yes. This is my takeaway from this whole week as well. No wonder feminism has stalled. “Progressive” men cannot be trusted.

This is so correct. His first reaction was to hit back at her, hard, because she dared to say who she was. That was so threatening to him and his worldview that he had to make sure she was mocked, but didn’t have the fortitude to do it himself. I hope he never works again.

Lindy’s resilience, strength, and tremendous writing are aspirational.