
All these product concepts seem good for is generating buzz and sending entirely the wrong message to both men and women.

I believe it reads “just do it”

Sorry, I was literally to lazy to google that to make sure I had it right. Now that I think about it, I probably haven’t heard that song in ten years since the only hard rock/metal station in the area closed up shop.

Honest question: Seriously, what does the FoxNews employee handbook even say about all of these sexual harassment / sexual assault / gender or race discrimination issues? Are these subjects even IN the employee handbook?

Not totally on topic, but apropos given the gif and the barrage of shitty news that keeps hitting. I’ve been binge watching scandal while I’m up with a newborn all night and actually enjoy the few disoriented minutes I have every morning where I believe Olivia and jake are out saving the world/making sexytime on an

I just looked that up, holy fuck how does such a terrible thought even get made, much less spoken? George Will can go to hell for that.

I mean, are they deliberately hiring sexual predators? I feel like it’s a requirement for being any man on their payroll. And I don’t care if she was a conservative shill/Trump surrogate, nobody deserves this. I’m so afraid there will be otherwise level-headed people intimating that.

So agreed. I wish people talked about the effects of the Fox News network more. It’s a right wing propaganda machine and it works very successfully.

And see, what could she possibly gain from making this story up?

Wow this is awful. She’s very brave in doing this especially since people will accuse her of doing it for money and/or attention.

*Trump rises to the podium, begins to speak*

With his level of English they probably don’t need a translation anyway. He uses the most common words that are first taught to non-English speakers (probably).

First he had Haley introduce him mentioning how they had to get a bigger room, and how lucky the UN was to have Trump take time out of his busy day to grace them with his presence. The smirk on his face was insufferable enough, but then, he not only plugged the hotel, it was the first thing out of his mouth.

You know it was Raining Blood or Seasons in the Abyss.

They probably put on Terry Gross podcasts or old Slayer albums. C’mon, it’s the UN, you know they’re into Slayer.

Yes. And what those translators must be thinking as they try to process his American English gibberish into their own native languages. . .

They probably don’t even bother with a translation. They put on the headphones, maybe even surreptitiously trade them out for noise cancelling ones, and fucking tune out.

For the longest time, I was on tenterhooks as to Mueller’s investigation.

Yeah, it may also be my PTSD. But having Spicer there and everyone so excited and laughing at him made me have the exact same feeling I had when people would dismiss how horrible my abusive father was to me and my family. People would always find ways to minimize what he did and act as if he was just a good guy who

The Nazi’s were just doing their job as well, Spicey. Even if I wasn’t a child of a Holocaust survivor, I’d find this nonsensical line of reasoning a goddamn disgrace.