
To the Senate: how does Tammy Duckworth rock so hard, when you guys hardly rock?


There is a theory that part of the reason that the civil rights movement of the 50s & 60s was able to have the success it did was in part because white US WWII soldiers worked and served alongside minority soldiers and support (medical and admin, etc.) staff.

I find it ironic that an orange asshat who calls himself the “jobs president” is blithely putting 15K people out of work.


Just full on David Attenborough that bullshit.

“I wish I could post Ms. Duckworth’s picture and this quote in all of my republican, drumpf apologist, co-worker’s lockers.”

Right? I was really hoping this would be her owning up to being a dick last summer, but it’s just her blaming someone else for her behavior. COOL.

That chorus is...not what I was expecting.

I think it’s great that the new Taylor is willing to stand up for herself by holding grudges and getting even with people who made her the victim. It’s really groundbreaking territory for her lyrics.

Watching the response has been SO interesting to me tbh, because where I interpreted it as very tongue-in-cheek, and goofy on purpose, there are a lot of people on twitter wringing their hands over the State of Music Today. Like, guys, Taylor is a smart lady and has very smart people working with her. She’s fucking

Been saying the same. Should have been Hillary’s VP nom. Instead we got... It was a guy. He was white. From... somewhere.

Said it before and I will say it again: Tammy Duckworth 2020.

Tammy Duckworth is the corner where Bad meets Ass.  She’s amazing & I’m glad we have her crashingly firm voice on this issue.

I don’t want a minority treating me for syphilis! I fought a sexual Vietnam! I deserve respect! 

Every single time these asshats do something, it’s for the sake of being evil. To them, Obama was the devil, so they’ll even be so petty as to remove a rule about plastic water bottles at National Parks which had tons of loopholes and didn’t stop anyone from bringing in water bottles, only that the NPS couldn’t sell

Because that is what soldiers do. You put bullshit aside and go to task when shit goes bad.

In regards Kushner’s obvious failure with Palestine and Israel, I don’t know, I imagine there is at least one thing they can agree on:“Who the fuck is this idiot and why is he here?”

Okay Paul Ryan, what exactly does Trump have to say before you get bothered?