
So what’s the over/under on all these emails being fake. This week is seems pretty obvious at the very least letter 3 was written by Jane.

Ugh, no. DTMFAH. He’s already cheating on you and wants to make it “ethical.”  Please, find someone who respects you and doesn’t have such a limited attention span or capacity for long-term commitment.

I read this title as “ my boyfriend wants new pussy but still needs to split the rent cost”

“Have you asked him why he sees this as the only solution?”

I don’t get how TSwift is good and KPerry is bad. It’s the same pop. Neither is great really. Talented and skilled sure. But they aren’t great musicians putting out incredible work that could potentially change the direction of music. It’s pop music. It’s fun, funny, catchy, and awful all at the same time just like

Harley and Poison Ivy (in a poly but healthy arrangement) or GTFO.

Can I just say as someone with debilitating clinical anxiety that affects me every day of my life that the “anti-anxiety stickers” are particularly offensive and bullshit? Although my 3-year-old self who had panic attacks at pre-school would have loved them.....but would have f-ed her up for life.

I’m a certified pharmacy technician, so I am acutely aware of the issues with natural products. Our pharmacy staff generally advises caution when patients ask if they should add a particular supplement to their regimen. This is of particular importance because we have to watch for interactions with their other

A dude I chat with who lives in Australia introduced me to the quokka USING THAT EXACT PICTURE. He was trying to convince me not every animal in Australia can kill you.

I feel like this story could be merged with the upper east side mommy bloggers one...

Another reminder of who the REAL psychopathic monster of the Old Testament Bible was.

EEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Omigod yes I coming!

Indeed! It really showed how much these people cared about punishing others compared to helping children when it was discovered the Catholic church was actually a giant child rape ring and everyone kinda shrugged and ignored it.

Filed to NO SHIT.

I’ve had a rough week on top of our whole “The US is flaming garbage” thing. Last night I watched videos of pygmy goats and today I’m learning about quokkas. (My friend is really, really trying to bribe me to visit her in Western Australia.) Baby animal videos. It’s a coping skill.

Just a reminder that there is no genuine track record of Satanist child abuse anywhere in the world.

Christianity’s record, however...

“Never EVER say that something won’t happen again because we’re better or smarter or more modern”

A few people did try to stop it, but one of the many things this period had in common with McCarthyism and the Salem Witch Trials was that anyone trying to act as a voice of reason, to fight back against the wholesale civil liberties bonfire going on at the height of it ran the risk of falling under suspicion. I can

I was born in 1980 and don’t remember the case as it happened, but I definitely remember the aftermath. All through my childhood people warned of Satanism and the dangers of daycare. Everyone I knew believed the claims in this case, including my college-educated, churchgoing-but-by-no-means-fanatical Catholic,

I remember this. A friend brought this and other cases of that time up a couple of days ago, in fact.