
Kind of a sidetrack, but I wonder if he even could afford to pay for it. He doesn’t exactly have a stellar track record for stable finances.

Yes! Every time I’ve ever received a dick pic in my life I have been like, eh, thanks, I guess. Seeing a penis is just not sexually stimulating at all. I’m currently talking to a guy who I only want to be friends with and he started in on the flirtier texts today and I am now wondering how to nicely shut it down


I’m just spending my life hunting for my Chandler. That neurotic mess would just get me.

I mean, we are talking about the same people who will bitch about black folks using welfare in Chicago... While they themselves are on welfare in Peculiar, Missouri.


Why are we paying for the adult leeches children of this asshat to begin with?

They try to excuse it with bs like, “he’s working!!!111!one!”

And so much of that money has gone directly into Trump’s pocket through the fact that they stay at his hotels.

“Because it’s all a lie.”

Just one more in a long line of “if this happened under Obama the right would lose its shit” moments.

The idea that Trump is a good businessman is one of the myths that helped get his stupid ass elected.

“Alles will not even be able to pay agents for the work they have already done.”

So strange. Every week we’d hear Right Wingers denouncing the money Obama spent when he went on one of his rare vacations, but Trump’s spent more on vacations and travel in less than one year than Obama did in eight, and not a peep for those people who are so concerned about government spending.

Now playing

Nazi White Supremacist Terrorist Grifter-in-Chief

How is it that Trump’s sons look more inbred than late-dynasty Hapsburgs?

They’ve apparently hired 800 agents since the start of this year. That seems like a lot. I gotta imagine a few questionable hires must slip through when you’re hiring people that fast. Also how do you trust a guy who’s worked there for like a week to take a bullet for the President much less even lesser Trump spawn.

So the CEO businessman is over budget and wasting money on his extended family, eh? Sounds like the CEO businessman at every company in america...

I hope this means extended coffee breaks at really sketchy times.

I’d like to see a Secret Service strike over pay and conditions.