These posts are so much more eloquent than I can hope to be on this topic. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.
Fair enough.
Because they can. Becuase they can get away with it, I think.
Your left hand is being coy; it is most certainly happy to see you.
Women who have sex with men are tainted? Jesus christ how is this world that is disgusted with sexuality ever going to evolve?
Ballet is quite physical, agile and sexy. Are we objectifying the dancers because we take pleasure in how kickass and beautiful they are? Part of admiring someone with crazy athletic skill is admiring their body.
Do you think the country is ready for another black president? And a black president who is a woman? I think she’d be an amazing candidate but I’m not sure if she could even be expected but I hope to be proven wrong.
So....this therapist sounds like a really excellent therapist.
Admit it. You hate them all the time.
I love your posts.
Ok, so first of all, thank you for this amazing response (which will take a few thoughtful reads for me to properly digest).
::high five::
Is that first one Corey Feldmen?
I would watch the hell out of this show with you and a scotch! The commentary would kill me.
Agree with you completely and relieved to find someone else who feels this way; even if only online.
You are kind people and I hope that doesn’t change.
You! Always with the handy advice!