
Love you, HamNo, but my only response to this is: No fucking shit. The warnings were around for months and months and months, but the DNC still nominated the only candidate who could possibly make Trump seem palatable. (“She still won the popular vote!” BFD. The Boston Red Sox had the best batting average in the


B-but emails! And Benghazi, wherever the fuck that is! And pedophile pizza! And I just can’t put my finger on why I don’t like her!

Because tech is supposed to be all about being impartial. And cause the valley is libertarian and full of assholes.

It’s horrifying that’s it come to this, but it’s true. Pence is a horrible religious zealot, but he at least understands the basic concept of what a president is/does.

Huh. Wasn’t the whole “Wall Street Insiders” thing the reason folks didn’t want Hillary?

Yes she did.

It’s literally the only reason that he pays attention to her, so I think she just accepts that he is skeevy but doesn’t really....fight it, you know? Because daddy’s love is more important than why daddy “loves” her.

Sarah Palin belongs on this list. She was a key figure in the 8-year long strategy of riling up every stupid white redneck and getting them angry at all teh libruls for no valid reason.


I said it before when the majority of people were tiptoeing around calling invanka out on her shit cos she had been groomed, but that woman is dangerous.

53% of white women who VOTED. There were too many who chose not to vote at all, and they are equally culpable.

Oh, totally, according to a spokesman six months after the alleged sale with no documentary evidence. Totally.

Sure, he won’t be “allowed” to, but since when has that stopped Donald from doing anything? You can’t self-deal from your charity, but he totally did and didn’t even get a slap on the wrist.

Can somebody please just disappear this motherfucker? I know Pence is lizardman wearing a barely-passable skin suit. I know. But I have a feeling Mike Pence is professional enough to not get us all killed over a fucking twitter beef.

I’m talking strictly about taking the best bad options, folks.

Well how else is he going to manipulate the stock market in his favor if he can’t tweet while he’s president?

Yes, Bernie would have been toast. Bernie ran a populist campaign, and so did Trump. But...Trump won. There appear to be many people- including groups that were traditionally Democrats- that didn’t want a female liberal, but did want a racist, sexist, unqualified white guy. With name recognition. 

I didn’t say Bernie was the answer, either. If it had been him, we’d have heard SOCIALIST SOCIALIST SOCIALIST SOCIALIST SOCIALIST SOCIALIST non-stop until election day.

Learn from our mistake, Pakistan.