
He’s also making people feel sorry for her, so screw that guy.

Oh, hell no. Way too old. He also doesn’t like women once they’ve had kids.

7 was basically Abrams saying, “Watch me remake A New Hope”

The only parts of the Old Testament that Christians care about are the parts that talk about hatin the gays.

...or even if there was one.

I need to save anything edible for the coming collapse of civilization anyway.

Those of us on the blue states will go it fast - the unlucky bastards in the middle will die slowly of radiation poisoning, starvation, or something else.

Oh, no. We’ll all be dead long before that.

Isn’t Chaffetz off the grid now that Congress is on their six week or so vacation?

You, sir, are a true American hero.

If they have as much as a nickel that anyone would consider as “hard earned,” I’ll eat my hat.

Alas, someone in government would have to give a shit and that doesn’t seem to be happening.

What we are seeing isn’t near as bad as if we had elected a woman that gave a couple of speeches to Wall Street firms. I also heard she was kind of sick once.

This woman read some easily deunkable shit on the Internet and decided that sending death threats to a guy whose son was shot to death in a school was a perfectly reasonable response.

I’m sure she’d tell you she deserves those benefits, not like those lazy moochers in the urban cities, you know what she’s talking about.

Agreed. If he believed ten percent of what he is selling, he’d be hiding in a cabin in the woods, not talking about it n the Internet under his own name.

I think that dress would make anyone look pregnant.

Now he can sell twice as many hats. Genius!

I’m sure they’ll put the remaining money (which won’t be a hell of a lot because they’ll be paying for a lot of hunting trips) into one of their foundations.

To be fair, many in the press seem to have forgotten the difference as well.