
I assume they’re thrilled that the new head of the DoE has as her only relevant experience “donated a shit ton of money to the Republicans.”

Don’t forget the conjoined twin operation that made him famous.

When Apple builds that factory in the U.S. but only wants to pay a few bucks a day like they do in China, we will have workers ready for it.

I expect to see infrastructure projects across the country to start building pyramids.

In the future, Trump brand charter schools will have nothing but a feed of Fox News and Breitbart.com

I’ve never been happier with my plan to not have kids.

There is literally nothing that is not totally loathsome about those people.

We are all watching a reality show called “Who Wants To Help Me Destroy A Country?”

Sounds like a black Republican to me.

Didn’t he put Jared’s daddy in jail or something?

It was sad to think the best possible scenario for 2016 was four more years of complete gridlock, but I wish that was the forecast now.

I’m sure Trump wouldn’t allow any of that against his pal.

I just assumed he was a complete idiot, smuggling contraband in a suitcase that was going to pop open any second.

I agree. He gets his guy in as governor and moves her to a position (U.N. ambassador) that Republicans traditionally don’t give a shit about.

Corporate taxes are lower than ever. By that reasoning, we should have more factory jobs than ever in the U.S.

Can we talk about how the Bill of Rights doesn’t seem to apply to wizards?

Half the problems in the movie wouldn’t have happened if he had had a piece of rope.

Once I found out Depp was going to be the Big Bad of the series I lost interest.

This. You shouldn’t need Twitter footnotes to watch a movie.

This is my main problem with the movie: they spent way too much time with CGI creatures and skipped explaining all sorts of crap.