
My response to them as a gamer:

Right? I love how these chucklefucks didn’t take the hint when Valve—who have allowed their platform to become overrun with anime porn shovelwaredrew the line at this asinine bullshit specifically. 😂

Environmentally friendly scams are still scams. Innovation in scamming is not something anyone should be open to.

permit me to open the dialog
“so long and thanks for the environmental damage your money laundering scheme has done”
the dialog is now closed
dont let the door hit you on the way out

I linked it there for those reading the story but unfamiliar with what the videos actually were, but the vid has now been removed because that was also a stupid idea.

I question the morality of linking his videos in an article about him being a murderer, but I imagine it’ll be hard for him to get paid for any of it now, right? At the very least, maybe the money can go to his now parentless daughter...

I’ve been quietly murmuring much the same since the show was announced.

Because, again, the expression is not “drinking the Flavor-Aid.” Please deliver your complaints to the English Language Department of Idioms

Please don’t let this be dumpster fire. Please don’t let this be a dumpster fire. Please don’t let this be a dumpster fire.

Seriously? “Going Clear” is not on here. Fear of being sued much? Fear and Journalism don’t mix gang.

Tell me you’re an idiot without telling me you’re an idiot.

John Galt. Teehee

And why should they? He’s the one that labeled himself a TERF. You don’t compromise with someone who specifically and purposefully labels themself as being your enemy.

I mean, she off-handedly referenced him in a message to someone else, without even using his name. And he’s so pathetically thin-skinned that he feels a need to respond with something so lazy it doesn’t even rise to the level of a joke?

Seems like a vital piece of information you should have researched before publishing.

I’m flabberghasted that they’re including the ‘rotate the minstick’ games.  Joycons are notoriously apt to having the stick break, and this feels like an express ticket to having that happen.  That’s absolutely crazy.

So money laundering at Walmart... Nice for a 7% cash fee... Also very efficient fo all the scammers, no more need for apple giftcards. That’s progress if I’ve ever seen it.

“You can’t just rename an established character and pretend like everyone will forget the old name.”

Normally, I would say that is going to happen but as this is an e-sport with announcers, it may actually get set in the players’ minds since the announcers have been refraining from calling the character by the old name prior to the change. 

If any part of you is “grinning,” I think you’re the complete asshole in this situation.

Somehow I can’t help but feel the only people who lose here are the teens who would have benefitted from the funding that would have been provided.