A legitimate concern. I have a couple friends I play with every night and we were wondering that, too. Probably too much to hope if they decide balance is needed for arena that they can make it arena specific.
A legitimate concern. I have a couple friends I play with every night and we were wondering that, too. Probably too much to hope if they decide balance is needed for arena that they can make it arena specific.
I’ve been playing AL since day one and the battle pass skins have been junk until this season, with the exception of the Lifeline demon skin. (I still use that one, it’s dope as hell) Even this season, though, still not great but the event skins have been awesome. You just have to spend a shit ton of money to get…
It would still have been awesome had they just gotten the dub, but he legit put shit on lips in that clip. I suppose it’s too much to hope that one of those idiots heard themselves as this was shared around and was shamed into change.
Two most toxic communities/games I have played: League of Legends, which I played MAYBE four rounds of and was mercilessly bullied by my own team and Rocket League, which I still play because I hate myself I guess.
Doesn’t have to just be women does it?
As someone who is both gray and has only been on Twitch to watch a single guitar player a few times, I have a genuine question that I hope you can answer: Are there male streamers doing similar things? Like, some buff dude with no shirt or like one of those ball huggin bathing suits? It seems likely without looking…
It was BUBBLING inside him, you could tell just from the transcript. I bet he screamed it as loud as he could when he got fired.
This has the making for a really bad scene all around. Alcohol abuse + violent outbursts, (even towards inanimate objects), + hurt ego = gonna have a bad time. I hope they’re able to lock this dude up and get him dried out somewhere safe.
Sorry, but, if you were a “dumbfuck kid” who cheated then the chances of you being a dumbfuck teenager who also cheats is high. I never even owned a Gameshark or Gamegenie, I have zero respect for anyone who says “I beat X game” when I know they mod their games or edit files to make it easier. Anyone who cheats at a…
I’ll never buy another Ryobi tool. Last year I was trimming out a house and didn’t want to bring my large miter saw so I bought a $200 Ryobi. The cast fence, where the board butts against, was on two separate geometric planes. Since it’s cast, it’s not something that can bend, but since it was bolted into place it…
I rebuilt a set of 17 metal steps, 10" junior channel, using a Task Force 4 1/2" grinder. Never once overheated it. For the deck plate I had to cut from a 4'x4' square of diamond plate steel so I used a Skil-Saw circular saw with a cutoff blade and went right through. Never overheated. This sounds like a case of…
Really not trying to be shitty but Apex is my main game and I have been coming to the Gizmodo family of sites for a long time. It just stinks to see it forgotten here when it’s still a huge title with a ton of players. Kotaku seems like it’s really just about mobile and single player games these days.
So, every time something happens in another game that you think is unremarkable do you then assume no one else cares? I would argue several things have changed. Buffs/nerfs are important to people who play.Do you play Apex? It sounds like you don’t. Maybe look at another gaming site once in awhile, Kotaku sucks for…
I’m just sad that on a gaming website, the last meaningful article about this game was in November of last year. I bet if Animal Crossing changed a graphic somewhere, though, we would get a 2 week expose and a podcast entry on it.
Something the article doesn’t take into account, and many of the people replying to you is that most people aren’t giving their kid a brand new car with a nice fresh clutch in it to learn. Maybe because of the hurky jerky starting but still. I have a 1998 S-10 5 speed that I taught my kids with, and it would absolutely…
Ah that makes more sense. It’s shady but damn, they sure are acting like they caught him mid-murder.
Not to defend them, because this is silly, but it’s just like states in the US who have legalized marijuana of some kind still have their cops posting “drug busts” of a few ounces of weed. They pose around the little baggies with their dogs, arms crossed, looking super tough. Making America great again or something.
I don’t even care about racing but don’t you DARE besmirch Big-K. I’ll throw hands.
Wow! A whole year!? You’re right, NASCAR is perfect and we should never imply otherwise. /s
I know it’s early and I’m not really awake yet, also I’m a dirty gray so no one will see this but...Can someone explain this a little more clearly? I read it twice and it seems like he wrote articles, they were published and he got paid? What am I missing here?