
You glorious bastard. Made me spit my drink out and everything. Take your damn star.

Ran my mouth to my, then, 12 year old son beating his ass at Rocket League. My now almost 14 year old son spends all his time in the air doing shit I could never do and running his mouth the whole time. Enjoy it while you can, those kids gonna catch up!

Someone famous and loved is going to have to die before light ever gets truly shone on dropping weight for sports. I wrestled briefly in HS before playing football and saw the shit those guys were willing to do to drop weight. I tried putting on a trash bag ONE TIME and sitting in a sauna, for about 2 minutes, before

Can we all agree that David Attenborough is a planet wide treasure? I get sucked into Youtube holes so easily with him narrating things.

I didn’t notice it until Bruce, I didn’t recognize the music, but I did somehow avoid the spoiler for months and months after it was out of theaters. My girlfriend and I watched the blu-ray and were properly blown away.

Full disclosure: I live in Columbus and I don’t like soccer. But that whole #savethecrew thing was pretty cool to see happen.

I have no idea if you are right but I am starring you because of your screen name. I see you.

It’s amazing when a little tongue in cheek humor gets lost on someone so smart.

Don’t they sell those there?

THANK YOU. That movie was so fucking good, I actually saw it day of release with my daughter, and when he started talking we both laughed like wtf is going on? We just watched it again the other day and it was still funny.

Related but kinda not, have you ever been into one of the hangars they build these things in? Pictures just can’t represent it very well. I got to visit a jumbo jet hangar once when I was about 13, which is probably much smaller than the one pictured, and it actually took my breath away. It was empty at the time and

lol it made me wonder if the other kids are step kids or something.

A photo of the suspect was recovered from his FB profile.

Yeah I wasn’t clear at all, was just firing off a glib comment. I’ll also say that not matter the connectivity experience of a game, I will always max out the graphics at least once just to see the work the devs put into it. I mean, I may not be able to enjoy it all the time but I should at least check it out once.

Fair question. No, I also only do it in online games where any lag is a detriment. In SP games I get everything I can out of my card.

It’s been a meme for a loooong time. Gamer buys top of the line GFX card, immediately turns down all graphics settings to low for max FPS.  I know I do.

I’ve been gaming and buying video cards long enough to know that the last couple of generations of cards are perfectly serviceable. About 9 months ago I swapped out my 780GTX for a 1070 GTX Ti, and put the old card in my son’s PC where he plays Rocket League, Destiny 2, and many others just fine.

The rational, real, fans will wish him well and probably tune into the OSU games to cheer for him.

Fucking this, man. I keep seeing replies to the effect of “maybe she was just overweight and no one noticed. Put yourself on an IV diet for a couple of months and you’re going to lose a ton of weight. This poor woman was comatose for decades. I’m amazed there was enough nutrients for both of them, to be honest. No way