In June 2015, the Supreme Court announced that it would hear the case of Abigail Fisher, an aggressively mediocre…
In June 2015, the Supreme Court announced that it would hear the case of Abigail Fisher, an aggressively mediocre…
I’ve never understood not confronting a flasher. I was flashed a few times during my time living in NYC and I’d either laugh and point(they hate that) or scream THIS GUY’S DICK IS OUT!! HEY EVERYONE THIS GUY HAS HIS DICK OUT!! Works like a charm.
I remember back in the 80s when we all thought Prince was the weird one...
Ah, I remember when, years and years ago, Dodai Stewart actually banned me from commenting on Jezebel for saying Jackson’s death was the best thing that ever happened to his kids. Frankly, it was the best thing to have happened to all kids.
yup. I went to neverland 3 times in high school (my boarding school was across the street, his groundskeepers would invite us over once a year.) I never saw or met Michael Jackson while over there, but good lord did it give off an extremely creepy vibe. Weird statues of children and an extremely creepy painting/mural…
Jesus Christ. This week has been grim AF.
Also wow kind of puts him dangling his kid off a balcony into a certain a really fucked up way....
If there was any doubt whether or not Michael Jackson really was a kid toucher, it was just squashed under a pile of child pornography.
I’m thinking about his kids having to hear this.
Yeah, that’s a collection of words I never expected to see in that sequence.
So wait, is the hush money why he was never charged with child pornography then? How did police just find this evidence for the trial and do nothing with it?
He doesn’t want to win. He just doesn’t. He never thought he’d get the nomination, nobody did, it was just a ploy to get some free publicity, which is what he really lives for. But now that there is a chance he could win, he’s panicking because he knows he can’t govern. He doesn’t want to actually sit down and set…
On that note, does he actually think the NRA is going to cave into his demands? Perhaps the idiot will finally get a serious reality check.
“I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no fly list, to buy guns.”
I think Bette’s point is that working-class people have to pay someone’s salary for three months. That’s a lot to expect from people who don’t have wealth or high incomes.
“I voted Bish!”
Brock Turner has been getting very special treatment for a convicted rapist, and that includes the use of a nice…
I remember watching his exercise show when I’d stay at my great-grandmother’s house during summers. Even as a kid, I knew his brand of optimisim and kindness was rare, and I loved it. Years later, watching him on David Letterman, I’d get sad—Letterman, and I’m a fan, was always a bit more sinister than he needed to be…
In an absolutely perfect fit, Julie Andrews will team up with the Jim Henson Company for a new show teaching kids…
An actress is suing Beautique, a midtown restaurant/nightclub frequented by cast members of the Real Housewives of…