
What’s her rationale for requesting spousal support? I mean, as far as I’ve understood, it’s there for people who give up a career to support their spouse and may not have a career or savings to fall back on. Pretty logical reason. IMDB indicates that she’s been working for the last few years.

I’ve always been tickled by famous men who famously say that “marriage is just a piece of paper” as they shack up and sire children with women, but then will leave them and legally wife up the new young chick 15 years later. See: Woody Allen, Christopher Reeve, Johnny Depp, amongst others.

HOW was there no prenup. HOW.

Kylie Jenner is still driving the car that she gave Tyga to give her.

They aren’t residents of California, are they? If they are residents of California, he is going to be giving her a LOT OF MONEY.

Since you outed yourself as a divorce attorney.... Would you expect that she’ll get 50% of what he earned during their marriage? And does the length of their marriage impact her spousal support at all?

As a divorce lawyer, my eye is twitching at the idea of Johnny fucking Depp not having a prenup.

Even at his drunkest, Captain Jack would have gotten a damn prenup. The man was always one step ahead.

I’m sorry his mom died, but wtf was he thinking not to sign a prenup? Dude you were having a mid life/pirate crisis marriage to a pretty young thing, and you didn’t think for just a second that a prenup might me a good call? Bad call, captain jack.


Vanessa Paradis is cackling most delightedly in her French mansion with a glass of the good stuff and the pool boy.

He’s a total dick and I can’t wait for him to crash and burn.

Oooooh Blind Gossip!

Back in 1998 or 99 I saw this same thing happen on a much smaller scale in the Key West airport; Carson Daily and his ginormous entourage dined at the in-airport restaurant, then sauntered out without paying and headed towards the plane and then the waitress came flying out screaming and waving the unpaid bill. This

Justin Bieber is the worst.

Why even have the window down if you don’t want to be bothered?

The video confused my eyeballs and gave me an ocular migraine.

I got a headache when watching it. Had to switch channels. song is fine, the video is awful.

Uh, hospice means “end of life care”. She will not be recovering.

I can’t bring myself to watch the video but I feel like “Hospice center” indicates bad things....