
:( oh..okay :’(

Yes, it’s only legal if you do it with a suit and tie on, briefcase in hand.

First thing we do, let’s kill all the old people”

I just got cancer from that Fox News comments section.

Please continue to focus on the hand and not what its pointing at.

Before I even bother with fact checking. You’re equating deportation of slaves that were forcefully brought across the oceans... to fleeing families and kids.

Exactly!! I dunno what people think ol Thomas Jefferson meant when he said that all men are created equal and endowed certain “inalienable rights” by the creator.

Getting an actual design house to design the vehicle instead of asking Mattel for advice would surely help.


Well duh!! They’re taking away our “jobs”!!

The term is race agnostic sure... but you’re simply being dense if you think it is being agnostically without any biases.

Are you familiar with idea of “context” or is it too complex for you?

Transportation and Technology reporter...

I’m not subjecting TSA and some airline employee to my child.

I guess your friend has never sondered.

Yeah? You walked in Selma? Your dad participated in the Civil Rights Protests?


^^ Not understanding what “Racism” means...

That things look like Ferrari and Lamborghini had some hate sex... and this little confused corvette was born from it.

Red Party is the Rad Party!