YAASSS QUEEN!! We need appropriate representation for gravitationally challenged Americans!! How dare a presidential candidate not show deference towards us that like to indulge in a cheese cake or 4!
Daily Mail in 3...2...1..
Username checks out!
Fuck off Becky.. go rail on the 53% of white women that voted the sentient Cheeto into office. You’re just the left wing parody of “Thanks Obama!!”
That first pic should have followed a “TRIGGER WARNING”
FR-S driver with a vape checking in..
Trump has had a singular appeal. From the very day he announced his candidacy back in 2014 or 2015 (can’t remember but god it seems like a lifetime ago!!) calling Mexicans, rapists and thieves. An appeal that no candidate has been able to emulate since.
Awww.. you poor bastard. Context and optics just seem to be too complex of ideas for you to wrap your head around.
I CANNOT read that comment without hearing Ser Davos’s voice. Which only serves to make it truer!
Honestly, gearheads and hoons are right up there with furries.. as the worst fanbase ever. Don’t you dare try and make a joke... we’ll strip it down the last bolt because ...How-is-that-funny-bro-mah-truck-makes-900lbft-stock-yours-just-suck.
You so cute... Thinking facts or truth matters to people voting for Trump.
You sir... get the honor of being the densest moron on Jalopnik this week. And for Jalops… that's a pretty high bar...
“Not sure why you’re mad.”
So you write for the “most read car site in the world” and yet don’t know the difference between statistical evidence and anecdotal argument??
That was just too easy
Enlighten me Sensei
As a Tesla fanboy and resident of a city dependent on FCA... I fully endorse this message.
People stuck on Gardiner are chuckling at you. They call it Hwy 401 because that's how many hours you spend stuck on it every year.... :|
Doesn’t matter what Toyota says... the demographic cross-shopping Toyotas with Porsches is a percentage of a percentage. And as someone else said in here somewhere... it simply does not have the cachet to be competing with Porsches whether we speak in terms of performance, engineering, design, or legacy.