Not if you keep relaxing credit laws. Keep making it easier to get mortgages (But not less expensive). In a city full of half-million dollar homes, let people only making 50-60 grand a year take 30yr mortgages.
Not if you keep relaxing credit laws. Keep making it easier to get mortgages (But not less expensive). In a city full of half-million dollar homes, let people only making 50-60 grand a year take 30yr mortgages.
HA!! The joke is on the Saudis... we blow our own planes!!
Morons like you are exactly the reason why some people need to be forced.
Because 62% of men voted IN their (perceived) interest... maintaining status quo... whatever you wanna call voting in favour of “patriarchy” (trying to use terms you might reasonably able to grasp)
LMAO. My first thought when I saw the list.
Butthurt Harley fan found!!
awww... did your feewings get hurt booboo?
Umm... No Borrowers?
Well... 53 percent of white women voters DID vote for him after all. So your half-baked sarcasm is just ironic.
Umm... “no beta” would imply “Onsighting” a route. Flash is doing it in first attempt.
Torch can use a protege.
Your optimism and faith in the automakers is just painful!! AAH... it hurts!!
Shhh.. don’t ask the logical question.
Actually... Majority Vote says you’re not... but again, like you said... Facts don’t really matter here.
This is very moronically dense line of arguments you’re going down. Just because Trump will not be the “next Adolf Hitler” does not mean the the parallels aren’t worrisome or telling of the direction we are heading.
You’re the living proof of why morons like yourself should not be allowed to vote.
Ey ey ey.. Watch yo mouth. We all voted NDP down here!!
You Anti-Semantic bastard!! Technicality hating, fact waving ... right supremacist scum!!
Was that too subtle?