
i really dont understand why iphone users are incapable of understanding how to shoot video. does that video format not bug them ? do they not want to avoid it?

in before apple invented NFC

if you're getting your tech news from gizmodo, you're going to hear mostly about design and how design is the most important aspect of computing. if you want to know about specs, go to actual tech sites.

this is a blog.. the writers here aren't journalists.

if it's "wrong" to watch a movie this way, then logic follows that it's "wrong" to watch a movie on an ipad in ANY orientation since the device itself is the wrong aspect ratio and will always be heavily letterboxed.

its not meant for shooting wedding photos

Everyone cheer for walled gardens!!

"at 288 ppi, it's still just about enough to call it 'retina'."

Apple has now allowed themselves to redefine what retina means, so they will just say you hold a larger phone further from your face, so it's still retina even though the pixel density has dropped.

The only thing this chart shows is that they developed one application that runs on thousands of devices. I'd say that alone proves that fragmentation is mostly a non-issue.

if you had read the reddit thread you took this from today you would have seen someone mention that he seemed caught off guard when the show came back from commercial and put the phone away as fast as he could.

You rode it once and you think that's enough to quantify it's safety?

Just want to clarify that if you are on ICS with a legacy device, you can still do all the 2.x things you could do with the buttons on your phone(Menu > Settings, long press search for voice actions, etc)

If you pay close attention, update problems seem to rest HEAVILY on the shoulders of US carriers. It's easy to blame the manufacturers, but often those phones get their updates overseas and then it takes the US carriers months to add their bloatware and test the updates. Sometimes they skip it altogether when the

I agree.. people should buy devices they are happy with the day they buy them. I'm sure it's happened once or twice where a manufacturer promises an update and never delivers, but I'm sure it's rare.(and it shouldn't happen). But aside from that.. yes i agree.. people are too entitled.

Apparently this was discovered by a reddit user who passed the info on to Lookout.

maybe one of apple's problems is that there is no "one" ideal size.. just a size that is ideal to some group of individuals.

It makes absolutely no sense that they would make the screen 4" but change the aspect ratio by keeping the phone the same width.

Because the customers who purchase that internet service have the right to any data they want to pull down.

As an android developer it's extremely hard for me to read this article and not reply with a list of bullet points they got entirely wrong.